The Impending War Thread

The genie is out of the bottle. World population is spiralling out of control. Will be 11.2 billion by 2100

Indeed. Altruism and peopleā€™s best interests have always been at the heart of the food industry :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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I grew up in the heart of the Dal Cassian empire, mate - where my forefathers have lived for over 1000 years.

Look, we all saw Avatar and what happens when you mess with an eco system. Case closed.

Iā€™ll cut your throat.

All foods are geniticly modified

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As are all domestic animals. The rabid socialists here would have argued against humans domesticating wolves 6500 years ago.*

  • wolves domesticated humans.
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Within the confines of an eco-system -

With an elfderflower incense stick ?

I wouldnā€™t waste the scent on you.

Selective breeding and modern genetically modified organisms are not the same, much as some posters here might claim they are.

Slow day on tfk by the looks of things. Lads barely able to get their dander up for some quality abuse and mudslinging.

it wasnt an issue for you when you got the job in the bacon factory in Callan

Oh, are you not being entertained, pal? Why didnā€™t you say earlier ?


Not really. Up your game. Youā€™re jumping from cause to cause faster than glas these days.

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Iā€™ve only one cause, mate - A free socialist republic as fought for by our forefathers



Who has claimed such on here?

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Free Socialist anything is an oxymoron.


You appear to be, mate, given that you lumped modern genetic modification in with all food and animal breeding practices for the last 6500 years.