The Insurance Thread

It’s a hundred viruses away. All ahead of us


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Holiday sorted for next year

It show how out of touch Judges are in this country. 50k for a hurty finger. Bunch of morons.


Great country like winning the lotto.

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Agreed but just to give you another outlook on it. About ten years ago the mother slipped on a mat while getting out of a jacuzzi in a hotel. She was quite hurt and ended up having to go to hospital a week later to get a swelling drained. Between the jigs and the reels she got sorted but had to pay a €500 excess to the vhi for the treatment. That’s all she wanted out of it. But the hotel resisted and refused. In the end out of principle and went after them. It actually went to court and she testified in court that all she wanted was the excess. She walked away with 10k . The judge fucked the hotel out of it.

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Why should they pay her 500 quid? The amount of people who look for that kind of money off hotels is staggering. She fell on or off a mat. Personal responsibility.

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No. It was something to do with health and safety. Someone had flipped the mat and the corner was flipped over.

It’s the judges fault it’s so high in fairness. Costs should be max as long as all costs are justified and audited

Ah I dont know. A lot of it is alright. I had an incident a few years back where a lad backed into me in a car park. I didn’t even have the jey in the ignition. He rang his insurance company. He fessed up. His insurance company rang me and fucking accused me of backing as well. Luckily there was CCTV in the car park. All I wanted was the car fixed and it took six months to get it sorted. Point I’m trying to make is that when honest folk look for nothing only to be back in the same position as they were, they can be met with resistance as well. Thst can piss judges off. Stuff that should never reach court due to stupidity

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I had a tip few years back, fella ran I to the back of me. Nothing doen to mine, hes van was ruined. He was all worried. I was only driving a shitbox. Left at that no need fo go any further. Theres some bad folk out there too.


It happens. Particularly in my line of work.

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Seriously Mike. Do you think it normal that society rewards someone with what until fairly recently a decent year’s wage for slipping on a mat getting out of the bath “because the edge was turned up”?
You can’t then complain in any way, shape or form that it’s 300 euro a night to stay in some poxy three star in bundoran.
Ireland is setting itself higher and higher for an almighty fall.


Kennco quoted me 750 to renew my comprehensive insurance. AXA 480 for the same cover. These are great times.

Would you ever fuck off flatty. If someone trips on a mat that’s flipped over in a super market, you wouldn’t be complaining if the walked away with 20/30 k. This was the hotels fault or hotels liability. You think a 60 year old woman will just bounce off the ground and then get up ready for road. All she wanted was her excess. Their bad, they fought it. Go shit in your fiddle

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that’s what happens when you try get a coffee manufacturer to insure your car


Mike, you’ve inadvertently captured the whole problem surrounding PI there

  1. The hotel didn’t admit liability, or probably apologise and pay the 500.
  2. The lawyers compound this by going gung ho into court…
    3.The judge, hearing your MIL wanted 500 awards her 20 times that.

So between the jigs and reels, something that would’ve cost a vouched 500 ends up costing approx 20k by the time medical, legal and award are taken into consideration.


Correct art. I’m not saying its right. I’m just saying that sometimes people who want to be treated fairly and want to be left in the exact same position get fucked about as well. In this particular case the judge absolutely lambasted the hotel (and rightly so).

It was a settlement- probably by the insurance company- not the judges fault.