The Insurance Thread

Why do they “settle” so easy ?? :innocent::innocent:

Yes I would Mike. If a block fell on their head, maybe not, but mats flip over. In any case, this woman slipped getting out of the bath. Look your delighted with it, fine, just don’t ever complain about the cost of car, or business insurance, or creches or clubs closing their doors, or the price of hotel rooms.
I think it’s fcuking stupid, and Ireland is way out of whack with other eu countries.

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If the hotel pay the 500, they are very close to admitting liability. They have the plaintiff’s word that it’s all they want, and we know what that is often worth.

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They can pay the 500 with no admission of liability and also have it as a full and final settlement of all matters.

There’s also been research to indicate that an early apology and rectifation of costs are very effective in med meh cases, no reason not to assume it wouldn’t work the same way in PI

The other point being is that the 500 excess is easily vouched and would easily negate expensive legal action which in this case likely cost the hotel 40 times the initial amount sought.

Finally, in PI cases much more use should be made of pooled experts, open offers, undertaking in costs and wasted costs orders.

I didn’t say the amount of money was right. But you telling me she wasn’t entitled to her 500 quid just for the excess after spending two days in hospital getting a fucking lump drained. It was the hotels fault and she asked for nothing more. I’m the first to agree that there are plenty of money grabbing cunts out there. I’m sure you wouldn’t be too happy about it if it happened to one of your elderly parents. You think we were “delighted with” Cop on fuck flatty. I’m hanging around here long enough for you to know I’m not like that, you patronising prick

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She slipped getting out of the bath.
My ma did the same in a hotel,broke her shoulder and ribs there about four years ago, was in ICU for 24 hours with a punctured lung and then hospital for over a week. Never claimed.
I’ll forgive your tetchiness however. The snowflake is strong in you.


Tory boy

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Calm down dear

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Ok petal

Stupid hotel

Bet the hotel didn’t make a mistake like that again

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Carrigaline GAA,told this today,girl 11/12 6 years ago , jumped the gate her ring finger caught,claimed e55,000 ,and got it, know she lost the tip of the finger but FFS

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Ms Pineda, in cross-examination by Deirdre Keane BL, instructed by Sarah Dick of BLM, insisted she had suffered back pain.

That’s quite a combo


Axa sent the missus a €30 refund for the fact that they’ve basically got 3 months of her car being off the road. What a bunch of cunts. You’d nearly rather they brazened it out than throwing a sop like that. Think her premium was around €750. So a 4% discount basically :joy:


Sounds like orthopaedic surgeon David mulcahy was rowing back like a wrong way round Steve Redgrave there :joy::joy::joy:

Throw it back to them mate. It’s the right thing to do.

Ms Deasy’s car sustained €100 in damage and Ms Pineda’s car required €1,500 in repairs.

The cunts in the crash repair should be next on the chopping block. Thieving bastards. Tiny dent? €1,000 please