The Insurance Thread

Aviva are sending nothing, and will make up for it with more competitive renewal quotes. :smile:

Some neck on the cheap lying bastards.

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You’d have to admire the crowds that aren’t bothering their holes with the sop. Pure unadulterated bastards


I love those insurance ads where they claim you can get 10% off.
So that’s 10% off the completely arbitrary figure they pick from their arse that they’ve already added 20% to.

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I renewed with FBD there a while ago. Got the renewal notice as usual a month beforehand and my premium had gone from €630 last year to €695. Rang them up a week before it was due and got through to some lad wfh obviously and asked him why my premium had gone up. Yeah I see what you mean says the lad. How about €590 he says. What says I. You’re just going to knock €100 off it like that? Can you go any lower?

No sorry €590 is the figure I have in front of me says the nice chap. So they obviously have a “this is the figure if they ring up to query their quote” figure. It’s the biggest racket on the planet.


Probably easier to sell the motor & buy a good quality bike, pal.

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It cuts out the bullshit, doesn’t it? I’ve had FBD go around the houses to get to the same point. So you’re happy to renew today? Excellent, I can give you 2% off the quoted price if you finalise now. And you also have house insurance with us? Great, I can take another 2% off for that. And you’re happy to receive renewal documents via email rather than post? Brilliant, I can give you another 2% off. So that’s €42 lower than the quote. Allianz will do it for €150 lower. Okay, how about we complete it now for €100 lower. Hmmmm. Okay, thanks.


The comparison between my house insurance last year and this year is a bit of an eye opener. On the surface last year and this year the quotes were the same, within €2 of each other. I expect the vast majority of people would say “ok, fine, just pay it”. I dug into it a little more and it really looked like a random number generator.

House insurance has 3 broad components generally:
Buildings, Personal belongings, Contents. Two categories this year halved in price, the third doubled in price. And it lands within €2 of last year. Ok…

I put a question in there along the lines of “what happened here?” Of course they come back with a faff answer. “Oh we had more claims in that area last year.”

I still find it unlikely that their models are that sensitive to claims that the numbers flow up and down so freely and magically land within €2 of the previous year. Seems very coincidental.

I fully expect a meaningful analysis of Insurance company quote generation models would be absolutely vile.

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Would it be whispered in circles that these online staff are working on commission and it’s in their interests to chance their arms when taking these phone calls.

They obviously have a bottom line figure so anything above that is a moneymaker for them.

They sent me out a €35 one4all voucher a few weeks later then because none of us were driving anywhere although I had 2 illegal drives home to see Mammy and Daddy during that time.

Horsebox 1 FBD 0. :facepunch:


I have no idea as it’s not my industry. I’m guessing but from my experience and other people’s experience it would point to them having a baseline of what is the minimum they’ll insure you for. Whether that runs off commission or bonuses or whatever I’d expect they’re hugely incentivised to have you pay as far above the baseline as possible.

Surely we have some insurance person on here who can vaguely explain.

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Let me talk to my manager and see what we can do.
Put phone on hold, talk to your mate about soccer for a few minutes, then okay I’ve spoken to my manager and I can give you a €100 off.
I’d imagine it’s a sliding scale commission

Are you a member of a credit union?
Eh ya.
Great there’s a 5% discount for that.



Did you check other insurance companies before renewing?

Yep 123 were about 10 quid cheaper than the final quote but for the sake of a tenner I didn’t want to waste an hour of my life with them. I was fighting a number of online battles at the time so time was of the essence.

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Yeah there is a lot of hardship in moving between companies, especially home insurance.
e.g. if you have any jewelry/item insured specifically (for example if yerwan’s engagement ring is valuable or some old family heirloom, whatever it is) then you need to have it valued. And it needs to have been valued within the last 2 years. So if you’ve been with the same insurer the last few years it’s fine, but to move you’ll need to get it valued again and it’s a whole rigmarole.

Paperwork and bullshit.

The time spent getting all the ducks in a row is the opportunity cost of making a saving.
Is it worth saving €50? Probably not. What’s your time worth to you?

I regularly rang insurance companies with a figure of approximately 100 euro less than the premium, and they’d usually drop it on the spot.

I go on to Chill website to see who’s cheapest and then ring the cheapest up directly. Chill are cunts so I enjoy taking their follow up call and telling them.

It’s shitty enough having to work on the phones than having to put up with that. Your little victory means nothing.

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