The Insurance Thread

My Mrs has got 60 a month back for the last couple of months even though her work fully cover it.

My VHI was about 60% less this month.

I’ve heard nothing from my car insurer.

That’s outrageous. It was her fault. She fell. Fucking hell. Compo culture gone mad. Sorry for troubles but what about personal responsibility like.

Welcome to 10 days ago. We’re all well now thanks

Well done Mike, fuck those greedy hotel cunts, secret Tipp bastards, folded mat wankers. Teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget. Long ago when she was still alive my granny tripped on a mat in a Centra and broke her hip, we should have burned the place down.

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Don’t have time to read all threads. Sorry.

We are all finding it difficult to juggle everything at the moment mate, but you need to make time

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It’s mad. WFH has actually reduced my tfking time.

When you swap from one car to another mid policy is there a cut off on how much or how little of a difference in policy price results in an extra payment or refund?

I noticed in the policy documents they sent on that the amount of the new policy is less than the original. That means I should be due a small refund. It’s not that much but they’ve told me the cost in changing the policy is €0. I wouldn’t be shocked if all Insurance companies do a sly little “Heads I win, Tails you lose” on this type of stuff. I’d expect that they’d ask for an extra payment for anything over €5. But I’m open to correction.

What’s the least you’ve had to pay to move from one car to another mid policy?

Only changed car mid policy once and it cost me 120 euro I think.

The car I was changing to was a lot newer than the one I was changing from so I didn’t mind too much.

How much time you’ve left in the policy may effect it too. I was 6 months into the policy when I made the swap.

Insurance companies charge you to change your home address, not to mind the car itself. Cunts the lot of them

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Tis cheaper for me to leave the Car registered to my Drom address rather than my Cark address.

If it gets stroked outside your Cork address will they pay you out?

The difference on the policy is €60 and there’s only 3 months left.
So if there was a refund it’d only be €15. Harmless enough and not worth a fight.
It’s more the principle of it. If they have a policy of + or - €20 or so that’s fair enough. But to charge small amounts and not refund similar small amounts is just plainly dishonest and yet not at all surprising.

If you are moving into limerick it’s understandable.

I’d say technically your not insured lad.

I’ve had €140 knocked off my premium for this year. A welcome bonus.

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The vhi cut my direct debit down to 30 yoyos the last two months and my arse after costing them probably the bones of a hundred k over the last two years


A 30 euro one 4 all gift card from the cunts

And they probably only paid one 4 all €25 for it. Make sure you spend it. Sneaky bastards sent me a cheque for €30. Surely a good 20% of people will lose that, throw out the letter or forget to lodge it (or just not bother). It’s genius really. I’ll fucking lodge it though.