The 'Jack Grealish is a turncoat fucker' thread

Ireland should be trying to get Mikey Johnston to declare.

Rice was MOTM for 2/3rds of his games with Ireland.

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Does anyone have an Irish Indo subscription? Dan McDonnell had an article about Rice’s time with Ireland yesterday? Could someone kindly copy and paste? Apparently it has some insight from players at the age groups he played with on the way up. Some always thought he’d go back to England while others thought he was fully committed to Ireland.

We were only plámásing the cunt.


He also got a POTY award, look deeper mate. I cant be ladybirding shit for you all the time.

He made right pricks of us altogether really

You will never find love without opening your heart.

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I get that and Rice irks me more than Grealish, at least he fucked off before taking senior caps and kissing the badge

Bumped for Irish Indo subscribers…

It’s just a thing. No point getting upset. People join and leave cults all the time.

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Jack’s a good ladeen.


He is in his bollix

Things I learned today - Jack Grealish has a girlfriend who he’s been dating since he was a teenager. A nice looking model.

Dating on and off though. He wasn’t with her when he was gallivanting in the hotel room with a well endowed lady a few months ago afaik.

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Jack’s intervention saved GAA in Warwickshire.

Cc: @Plastic_Paddy


He’s a good lad

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Flatty missed a spot there somewhere.

He’ll have before Halloween. Mark my words

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One of our own