The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Mocking a darts player. That’s fine.


This is vintage Brolly.

Parkinson seems very needy.


That’s one of his best. The bit about Con’s father :laughing:

Can someone throw that up? How do people do that archive thing?

Something for John small to keep in the back pocket for after the All Ireland. Joe will never learn.

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They were pictured together at the march so it might be true.

Brolly shines a light on Parkinson’s failings, Parkie is a scummy rabble rouser

Imaginary English lads

Might be right, that’s all we need on TFK.

Joe is the best of us

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Two years of seethe about a :joy: emoji. Two years patiently waiting for revenge and vindication. Relentless.
Parkinson has the makings of a top top poater

Someone pick Bono up off the floor.

Joe’s two parter on Stormont could be the podcast highlight of 2024.

Hi Joe, good to see you’re getting ideas from looking in here.

After going after Jp McManus joe goes for bono and Elon musk.

Joe brolly apparently gave bill Clinton the middle finger in New York as he drove past him :smile::smile::smile:

A few years back he had some anecdote about being introduced to hilary? @myboyblue …can you recall?

He fairly called out your mate Elon musk as a complete cunt.

I barely know elon, haven’t seen nor spoken to him since the last q-anon convention

Must be a tough one for you to accept.