Womens sports

Bit lousy to put 27,000 deaths on a few girls from Ireland playing a basketball game for their country.

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To some people, everything has a price.
I will just state for the record that I’d have asked my daughter not to play.

Nice to put blood on young innocent girls hands for playing a sport. Some girls didnt play. Some did.

It is but I don’t think that’s on the basketball team.

I thought you’d be above that sort of straw man pettiness.

Again, it’s the people who have a platform we should be going after.

Has it always been Robbie Keane’s dream to manage in a genocidal state? Robbie Keane with all his many millions?

Bono shouted “no more”, “fuck the revolution”.

Bono rang Sarajevo. Bono sang Mothers Of The Disappeared. Bono shouted “outside it’s America”. Bono was in Artists Against Apartheid. Bono sang “tonight thank God it’s them instead of you”. Bono went to Ukraine.

Bono has always been political.

Bono was happy to talk about the victims of October 7th.

Why has he said nothing about a genocide being perpetrated in front of the world? Why have all the mini-Bonos of the world gone silent?

What is it about Israel that ensures their silence?

Why is nobody even talking about the silence of Bono and others like him?

Have a read back of your posts. Joe fucking Brolly leading the mob here and he stuck up Biden’s hole every chance he gets.

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Has Joe gotten cross with the girls as well? Very easy from the cheap seats


This kind of scutter. Does Joe turn down guilty clients on moral grounds?


You’re reading my posts in the way that falls into your sloppy and biased interpretation, unless you can point out the bit where I said that the Irish womens Basketball team is responsible for 27000 deaths.
The hypocrisy of you and others is disappointing.
It is no less morally wrong to validate Israel by competing with them at international sport than it was to validate apartheid south Africa by competing with them at international sport. You take a stand or you don’t, but you certainly can’t point any fingers at all at the IRFU whilst supporting the basketball association.
And no amount of stating that I said something I absolutely didn’t will twist that.
I’d also add, for those who find it hard to understand, that most of Joe’s clients are innocent in the eyes of the law until they aren’t.

I must be forgotting the parts where I brought the 27k deaths in Gaza, or Apartheid, or Rosa fucking Parks into it

Dickheads using these girls as a political football withers me

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I hope dickheads using the IRFU apartheid tour as a political football withers you equally then, otherwise youre just being misogynistic.

Yeah that tour from 1981 really is a live issue for me.

Brolly was going well until he started having a go at young wans playing basketball for their country.

Of course Israel should be isolated at every opportunity but a stance taken by a minnow team in a minority women’s sport is hardly going to make many headlines beyond Ireland (and Israel).

They would have achieved a few likes on Twitter for 24 hours, and it would have been a pointless exercise when our Taoiseach is saying we shouldn’t be disadvantaging ourselves. If we were going to withdraw it should have been directed by Catherine Martin.


So there’s misogyny and honesty but the Irish women’s rugby team shambles is awful to look at. Hammered by Italy today with an intercept try in the last minute putting a bit of gloss on things albeit missed some very easy tries through some basic catching not being executed.

Twas built up as a sell out fixture and the RDS was closed on 3 sides. Like, who are they trying to kid. Seems like they’re trying to build a future team which is completely fair. The ladies are amateurs up against professionals as far as I know. The media coverage they get is off the chart.

We have a lady from Tallaght who is part of a team who literally ran faster last night over a relay than any other ladies have ever done since time began. And she’ll get a token 10 second mention while the rugby crew are lauded for another heroic defeat. Tis no wonder it’s a struggle to keep the girls in sport through teens when the media circus won’t cover our most successful women.


Irish media won’t criticise women or rugby so they are not going to be critical of the women’s rugby team. Who, tbf, are doing ok at 7s which seems to be the priority

Maybe I’m being overly cynical but they get held up as an example of what Irish ladies sport should be trying to aim for. And they’re being hammered by the worst team in the competition. And meanwhile we have genuinely world class athletes who get a bit of a token gesture of coverage.

We had Sarah Lavin in the World Indoor Hurdles finals a few weeks back and the ladies 4x400m team also in the final. Sharlene Mawdsley also in the 400m final but for a dodgy DQ. Genuinely World Class athletes who probably won’t be seen on Irish TV again until the Euros in June despite various events they’ll run at (and that’s not even before we begin to consider the likes of Rhasidat or Mageean). Meanwhile we’ll see the Irish ladies rugby team likely hammered for the next month or 6 weeks with plenty of talk of bravery and heroic defeats.


It’s bizarre - that clown Marie Crowe devotes serious amount of air time on the 2fm evening sports show to these with no discernible achievement or improvement

RTE haven’t a clue about sports. They’re just lazy and rubby is easy to cover.

It also gets an audience, sadly. Athletics doesnt, and never has, outside the Olympics. Sadly this is how it is and always has been.