The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It was not slander.

And its not slander because he was doing a job he was unqualified to do. Thats absolute fact. Fact emphasized by his own website.

From what i hear if it was weā€™d all be up in court :joy:

He is a bluffer and what gives S&C a bad name. We donā€™t need that, its hard enough as it is.

You can contact him and ask me to challenge that if you want. So belt away.

Who knew Arlene was a Teddy Bear.

It is slander.

You said he was negligent and incompetent and caused injuries to players in his role as a trainer. Do you have evidence to support that? If you do then why have you not produced it when you made these allegations? If you donā€™t then itā€™s a straightforward case of slandering.

As I said, if you were a man you would be talking to David Matthews about this, not slandering him on an internet forum where heā€™s not on to defend himself.

I did.

Arlene is a regular visitor to Govan.

Are you retarded?

Why would i be talking to him about it?

Iā€™d be talking to cork gaa about their decision making process and how they appoint coaches. And if i was asked my opinion iā€™d be saying stay clear.

The bottom line here is that Brolly has thrown around unfounded allegations of attempted murder and being an accessory to attempted murder against a GAA club and its membership.

For a defence barrister to do that is absolutely shocking.

For journalists, all of whom, one would presume, have basic legal training, to roundly praise his articles is almost as shocking.

Talk about a lowering of standards.

If people canā€™t get that, itā€™s because they form their views based on an attitudes and feelings, not facts. Views that are formed by attitudes and feelings rather than facts are impervious to being proved wrong by facts.

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Joe Brolly is a hell of alot smarter than you. He has a nuanced personality and is a deep thinker allied to his oersonal experience up there.

He clearly has gotten closer to the truth gere than anyone

So youā€™re not a man. Iā€™m sorry I just saw you preaching about how men should behave and how they should trash things out.

Clearly you decided to take the non-manly approach and slander a manā€™s professional reputation without presenting a shred of evidence to go along with it. You decided to do this on a forum where that person does not have a right of reply.

Iā€™m sure the brass neck and brazen stupidity that you possess will see the glaring irony of that fly straight over your head.

Even for you thats a stretch.

Not to mention the outrageous hypocriosy.

Unfounded allegations do not equate home thruth.

Another throwaway, baseless comment.

You slandered David Matthews, whichever way you want to look at it. A bit rich for you to talk about being a man and discussing matters when youā€™re happy to slander people with baseless allegations without the right of reply.

Joe is certainly smart, and certainly has the ability to be nuanced and to be a deep thinker, and he often is.

Itā€™s a pity he hasnā€™t used that ability on this topic.

One has to have the ability to be nuanced and to think, not necessarily deeply, just the ability to think a little, to recognise that he hasnā€™t utilised that ability here.

You havenā€™t that got ability, and you have less knowledge, and so, rather predictably, you canā€™t see the wood for the trees.

I gave you the definition of slander.

You have some homework to do young boy.

Another throwaway comment.

Making allegations that a S&C coach is negligent and incompetent and that his methods resulted in injuries is very damaging to his professional reputation.

Making these allegations without a shred of evidence to support them makes it slander.

Remember when you told us you did honour maths? Lolz.

Defamation. Slander no longer exists in this state since, I think, 2009. cc:@artfoley

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He is not an S&C Coach

Do you not get that?

Sure do something about it.

Is S&C a regulated field?

If so by whom?

I think it has a similar regulatory structure to life coaching.

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Sport Ireland
FPI (Fitness Professionals Ireland)

You need to detail S&C on your insurance legally. Its not personal training. Its not being a ā€œtrainerā€.
Your insurance company should not insure you without proof of a recognised S&C qualification.