The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Tyrone’s forwards delivered more against the Kerry backs than vice versa - that was the deciding of those games.

Tyrone’s weak point was generally the midfield. Cavanagh was a superb player around the middle but Tyrone really struggled for primary possession around the middle and relied a lot on their defenders to win their battles.

In fairness ricey could have found himself in prison.

Was cavanaghs performance in 08 the best of this century in an all Ireland final?

Yes as he was fairly quiet in 1st half

What did he do?

The sort of things mickey would give him a character reference for


I don’t want to spoil your innocence. I’d never forgive myself.

Cork v Kerry 1992 was one of the most misleading results of all time in terms of the future direction of each team

Kerry looked like genuine All-Ireland contenders that day but didn’t win a game of consequence for another four years afterwards

Kerry somehow beat Cork in 1991 and 1992 but were quite a poor side. Mickey Ned did well

Easily the best since the post Paraic Joyce era, SC was a colossus that day

That’s a great point and checkmate really.

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Which was the year Ricey took him out of the match off the ball? There was a ball out over the sideline, the both went off the pitch after it and Ricey “accidentally” landed on top of Gooch and Gooch’s game was over. The big grin on Mickey Harte’s face afterwards when RTE asked him about it.

Was that the same year Ricey outscored him from play? I can’t remember.

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Gooch’s eye was functioning enough for him to stay on the frees, mind

He ran into Big Packie’s hand.

That was relatively manly behaviour from ricey, and mickey

Gooch aggressively attacked McConnell’s hand with his eye

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Tyrone were the best team of that decade and no one who says otherwise should be respected.

Gooch was a great player especially in Munster but never looked special in the tough matches.


Fuck them. They were a crowd of cheats and thugs. Some great footballers right enough, would have been interesting to see what they’d have won without the diving etc.


Given that the next best team (Kerry) in that decade were dopers I think we did ok.

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