The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I was under the impression they were separated a while. Around the time @Copper_pipe was sharing those photos on whatsapp a few yeara ago, they were separated at that stage no?

A great listen, Joe is tremendous fun and a great gael. Iā€™d love to see him in high office in the GAA or to take over from Mickey Twee.

Heā€™s as well away from RTƉ if thats how he feels about the thing. A pity a few more of them wouldnā€™t fuck off too.

The Internet (Whatsapp) never forgets.

A great listen. Joe is a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction.

Listening to the last few minutes it seems clear Joe suffered some severe trauma as a child that he has not come to terms with yet.

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@tank will be onto him to shut up about it no doubt.

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Meant to be. I found the first 40 minutes of this quite enjoyable, some great stories about the past. The last 40 minutes were uncomfortable viewing. I think heā€™s lost it, had a mental breakdown or midlife crisis or whatever you want to label it in the past 10 years or so. Some of the personal attacks he comes out with now are beyond the pale really for a public figure, his wife is meant to have left him, he has no relationship with his parents. Itā€™s a bit sad really.


You liked it until he mentioned Tyrone ? :grinning:


I thought he was a good man telling a yarn but his opinions and views are very inconsistent and erratic. He seems to be having a bit of a midlife crisis, itā€™s a bit sad really.

I think the human condition is one of contradiction in general- particularly in the modern world we live in.

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Some lads would just tell you to man up and get on with it like they did in days gone by.Dont mind seeing a therapist go drink yourself stuip and bate your wife like the good old days.

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What can a therapist do? The only person who can change that is yourself. Some people want to get better, others donā€™t, others do but they donā€™t want to roll up their sleeves. That is life.

How can you change your thinking unless you are aware of traits that you cant discern yourself? - youā€™re completely biased when it comes to yourself ā€” a therapist is not there to do the heavy lifting but merely to help you come to your own conclusions by offering unbiased guidance / feedback by making you aware ---- itā€™s all about awareness.

A therapist is a spoofer. You can only figure these things out yourself. We are all lone wolves in this world.


Have you had therapy?

he obviously hasnā€™t.

Have you?

Itā€™s just a bizarre claim to make unless you have first hand experience of it ā€¦ then again, his idea of a therapist is talking to yourself in the mirror - so maybe heā€™s correct.

Yes. I went to counselling for a short period of timeā€¦ It was very helpful.

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Helpful for what?

Mental clarity - finding answers - emotional release ā€” take your pick . On a number of levels it was very helpfulā€¦

Have you been yourself?