The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Brolly is the man to bring about an United Ireland.

Joe Brolly on Twitter: “@JamieBrysonCPNI Hi Jamie. Let’s meet and talk. We could go to an @OfficialBlues game? Or I could come to Donaghadee FC to watch your boys. I’ve an interesting event this Saturday morning in East Belfast that would be ideal. I’ll follow you now. Hope all well. Joe” / Twitter

Groped by a Volvo?

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Joe is the best of us all

The last thing jamie needs is more attention.
Same for joe

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Love this. So many bullshit artists out there

And Brolly is clearly one of them.

That’s awful scutter.

There is a definitely a tipping point between enjoyment and over doing it at club level though.

But I reckon highly motivated players really want to be part of something elite.


But Brolly is a smart cookie and full of shit.

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Moreso the belief that paying some fella to talk corporate waffle at teams to motivate them, use a mountain of unimportant stats to gauge performance (eg touches, you can touch the ball 100 times and do fuck all good). It does take the fun away and again how many outside the top level will be effective?

I heard a great quote on a podcast few weeks back “the worst thing to happen to irish rugby was fellas all read legacy and thought they were the all blacks playing junior”.


Is this just Joe having multiple cuts off enda mcnulty again?

McNulty goes on with some scutter alright.

Brolly got a platform by an accident of birth.

Definitely some stats are misleading and pointless but data is good if used properly.

I reckon, without having done much research, that good sports science would reduce injuries were it not for managers over ruling based on short termism.

I’d love to rock into Davy and say I was too fatigued to train. Lols.

Be a right bit of craic if Enda got a right of reply.

Wonder what Joe’s view on that would be.

That’s exactly it. My mate is an s&c and a lot of it is preventing injuries rather than making lads fit as fuck.


JB vs RTE coming to a courtroom near you soon :popcorn:


Needy prick

He has no chance of winning I reckon, and he knows it. It’s actually a brave and correct and to my kind selfless enough move to highlight how he was silenced. I thought it was little short of disgraceful actually. I hope it gets dragged up and exposed for what it was.


Hon Joe

Joe: ‘Judge, they made me look like a sensationalist argumentative bollocks’

Judge: ‘And what was the public perception of you prior to this?’

Joe: ‘…’

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Hope he takes them to the cleaners.


He was treated badly on the night, but im guessing little or chance of winning
This all started when Joanne got rid of him, as she wanted more bland analysis

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