The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Aye. And sure the donegal lad was offside anyway

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I’d say you wouldn’t know a Gaelic football from a picnic table

Joe seems to be a big fan of the gooch again judging by that

Joe was a bit sore on him to be fair…as a player anyhow, can’t remember what he said about the retirement fund etc

Joe ought to get his facts right. He seems to be confused if it was McGeary or Brennan who were black carded for the penalty. He also seems to not know the rules. Amazing how Mickey and Tyrone can send him into a tizzy over something as innocuous as that.

I’m torn here. Joe is an experienced barrister and you’re someone who has only ever list one argument on the Internet…it was about football though :thinking:

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Hard to see Joanne inviting Joe back into her little knitting circle

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Jaysus what a lovely turn of phase


I’d say Joe’s wife won’t like that.


Didn’t he leave her?

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Which is why she won’t like reading that.

I’d say you’re right. Lads on here don’t give you credit for your empathetic and sensitive nature.


Isn’t he shacked up with Biden’s cousin Laurita?

A narky, petulant Dublin fall apart and are reeled in by a defiant, determined Mayo who display courage and poise.

But but but Brolly always said the Dublin players are selfless ambassadors, all about the team first and are great decision makers under pressure whereas Mayo are a crowd of show pony bottlers that play for themselves and crumble when the game is up for grabs?

Against that backdrop, how could he insist he was still right all along after that game last weekend?

Ah yes.

Dublin were bored.

Mayo finally got the right team on the pitch (an indirect dig at O’Shea this time for once).

I can totally understand why Joanne lost confidence in him. I’d say it’s killing Brolly not being on RTE. Look out for his regurgitated tweet about the competition today or next week.


All good punditry., good tv etc. No one glares if Joe or whoever gets it wrong so long as they don’t it wrong with a bit of passion, humour, intelligence etc. It’s called entertainment.
Joanne is visibly uncomfortable with entertainment


Brolly is spot on here

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Joe is a great man. What I take from that is that with Des out of the picture RTÉ took the chance to laud Mayo and screw the dubs. Great to see.

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Joe is really torn here. His personal dislike of everything Tyrone weighed against his personal dislike of Aidan O’Shea. It’s a lose lose situation for him really.


I think he’s trying to motivate mayo and make Tyrone complacent. A desperate measure but he has to try.
Did he always hate o’shea or is this a recent thing?

Shy and retiring Joe hates attention-magnet Aido