The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Aido has the nordies hopping.


Obsessed and he with nothing won :man_shrugging:t2:

He’s from Clare. They’re all like that.


I don’t know.

We are commenting on an article by Brolly citing O’Shea’s vanity and egotism being a barrier for his own county.

You then got salty about people voicing that opinion. I can’t answer why you’re all pent up and hysterical about it but I can speculate as to why.

I don’t get it tbh. Aidan seems an alright sort, does his best etc. You couldn’t be up to that joe fella

Goes to show how backwards the gaa is that a fella gets so much vitriol for trying to make a few bob for himself.

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Joe is a bit of a peacock, same as Aido. You’re just a delusional lad who never played a game at any kind of level, for all the essays

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Brolly giving out about a fella trying to make a few bob is hilarious

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I think you’re easily triggered.

O’Shea will continue to come under the spotlight for his vanity and media whoring as long as he continues to underperform on the big stage. There are plenty of other examples of high profile GAA players who are happier shunning the limelight and putting their focus on their football. If O’Shea craves the media attention and gossip pages then the criticism that comes his way when he flops on the field is inevitable.

You seem very offended by AOS getting his vanity called out.

Brolly is no longer a GAA player. AOS is similar to Bernard Brogan in how he courts media attention and the spotlight, unlike Brogan however he hasn’t backed it up on the pitch.

Do you think his Mayo teammates might be a bit pissed off?

If they are they are man children

An ex Mayo management team were scathing of him and his ego.

They’re most likely not pathetic begrudging inadequates, so it’s unlikely. He seems popular with his teammates at any rate.

Does he?

How would you know?

I’d say we’ll see in a few years what they really think when a few books come out.

You came back with that very quickly. Your AOS obsession is beginning to make sense now.

It doesn’t take long to do a google search.

It’s on the first page, maybe your little crush on him is why you’re so tetchy to just criticism.

All the top players have egos.

Maybe that ex management team should examine their own inadequacies

Aido getting a kicking for an interview and a pair of swimming togs and Tyrone having a porn star who wrote a book about how much of a cunt he is


No they don’t.

And in a top county, an ego like AOS simply would not be tolerated given his levels of underperformance.

O’Shea’s as much in the news for non football related stuff as he is for his football and that says everything.

The criticism is fair and well established at this point, just bizarre to see a few chaps get oh so salty about it.