The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe is gone fierce nasty and sour of late. Somethings changed in him. Heā€™s angry over the RTE thing youā€™d imagine, but heā€™s been going this way for a while. He likes to think he is calling out bullshitters when in reality he is a fair bullshitter himself.
I enjoy him generally, no harm to have a fella not afraid to give an opinion around, but that article was a very personal attack on an amateur player and very much against the ethos of the game he supposedly loves.

Joe was always spikey and opinionated, but now heā€™s becoming a contrary bitter auld fucker


Heā€™s certainly very black and white.

Dublin footballers - above criticism.
The likes of Rory Gallagher, Mayo, AOS and even Derry - open season on them, always.

He has a valid point about Oā€™Shea and his antics but goes too far at times.


Brolly is a wanker, the Sunday Game was becoming gradually unwatchable with him on it. They should have stopped him being in the box for Derry games long ago.

Similarly Spillane shouldnā€™t be in the box for Kerry games or Cavanagh for Tyrone games.


Would I be right in thinking Brolly was essentially seen as just another pundit before the Sean Cavanagh thing and then afterwards he became a lot more confrontational in his style more consistently?


He was always that way but over the years heā€™s became a lot more personal about it and doesnā€™t seem to know where the line is with regard to being critical and taking things too far.

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You walked him into that you scoundrel ā€¦ setting traps like the Tyrone defenceā€¦

Aidan Oā€™Shea was still on the pitch applauding after the match.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Iā€™m not sure why lads wouldnā€™t want someone with a perceived bias in the studio on their counties match? Its far more interesting having someone who is up-to-date and aware of their counties fortunes as opposed to people who are bland and donā€™t have a dog in the fight or as dull as dishwater. Take Cavanagh v Spillane for example, give me that any day of the week as opposed to Dolan and McStay in studio for the same game. I think Spillane can be a right prick but Iā€™d still much rather hear him talk about Kerry than Dolan, Iā€™ll then form my own opinion on the analysis/ debate, doesnā€™t bother me if I donā€™t agree with Spillane for example. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it imo


There was plenty of cameras and photographers about.

Itā€™s a much safer space now

can you correct the lie about getting money? the state pays him 3k a year

what in the article was personal?

We all remember he was v v quick to resort to calling on the law when he felt he was hard done by himself

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the stuff on AOS and Horan was ott and lousy

by all means have a pop, but dont go ott, it smacked of kicking men who must be in a bad place when they are down. I m borrowing McStayā€™s words but to me there was something a bit lousy about the whole thing

You would swear AOS had a stinker on Saturday , he made a decent contribution.

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Whatā€™s the story with his relationship with Joe Biden? How did that come about?

Maybe AOS isnā€™t a ā€œfĆ­or Gaelā€ something which some northern folk seem obsessed with.

Laurita claims to be a distant relation

Most particularly the fĆ­or gael that never played the game and hadnā€™t a breeze of what Paudie Hampsey was saying during his speech

Is that actually true? I listen to the podcast with herself and the two boys and one episode they were kind of drawing her out on her partner.She wasnā€™t biting anyway.
Hed be a good bit older than her I would have thought.

I never enquired much into it tbh

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