The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Good luck to them

Dessie Dolan is terrible to listen to droning on in his flaah westmeeehad accent

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Christ that was real low ball stuff from Brolly… Completely unnecessary and over the top.

Dessie Dolan is the greatest fkn dose that’s given airtime. He’s obsessed with spoofy oul’ cliches like “beautiful strike off the outside of the right boot” and assorted inane scutter. Dessie the Dose or the Dose Dolan should become his moniker for whatever length the broadcaster persists with him.

A boring, unimaginative, forelock tugging corporate plank. He’s not unique either.


AOS’ chance was hardly the easiest Brolly had seen in an AIF.

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Wasn’t even the easiest in the game

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I’m not for a moment defending AOS, in case I be accused of ‘having a crush on him’. But I have it on good authority that the photoshoot was done a number of months ago apparently.

Still a monumentally ego centric thing to do. It was peak Mayo. They can’t help themselves. Superstars in their own heads.


That’s it in a nutshell

The photo shoot had fuck all to do with AOS final performance . He had an average game in final whereas in semi he was very poor & correctly hooked .

If I was manager I wouldn’t have started him . I think he is in decline

The substitution of AOS worked well in the semi, I dont know Horan didn’t do it again.

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Was AOS ever that good?

2013 is the only big year I remember him having.

Any mention of AOS and you’re all over it. Absolutely obsessed :rofl:

I’m discussing what the topic is on mate.

It’s interesting that you get triggered everytime AOS is criticised. You don’t seem able to let it pass at all.

Maybe you deal with the question I posed rather than getting catty when your crush is questioned.

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The northern edition…a superb idea. Brush the fuckers off and leave us alone to celebrate Rachel Allen, Brian o and converting old railway stables into mezzanine living spaces etc

Jesus haven’t ye poor feckers endured enough

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I had a glance at it on the oul lads coffee table. It’s the same shite from the same people that write in the bel tel, newsletter and Irish news…but with this synthetic neutral pose like they’re on best behavior for their southern betters. Give me entrenched visceral tribalism any day
That said, garden centre prods might like it, they’d love the usual Sunday indo, so what’s the point?


Joanne did it in for Joe.