The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

no GAA coverage?

Arlene Foster is their Fermanagh GAA correspondent

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Just about to give this a listen, Brolly and Bryson

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Listened to it there, a good chat. Brolly is a good guy

He did better than most engaging with your man for so long. Don’t think flegs got a mention must have been a stipulation of Jamie’s :grinning:

Jamie wasn’t really able for him at all, Joe took a very clever soft approach and had Jamie eating out of his palm. The chasm in intelligence was very apparent.

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Here’s How 16 - VW, and Exclusive Interview with Jamie Bryson - Here’s How (

this is great


Joe went easy on him in fairness but could have stuck the boot in.

He did, but by doing so he made Jamie look a complete fucking ignorant simpleton. Bwyson wasn’t able for him at all, Joe was like the cat that could squash the mouse whenever he felt like it

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and Joe in first gear only

This is all very true. However, Joe’s optimistic vision of today’s youth not caring about religion/politics/ etc is only true of the middle class world he lives in. Go down to the Village, Sandy Row, Shankill deprived Proddy areas and you’ll find a different story altogether. There are similar Taigy areas although I think Taig parents push education for their kids more. Make no mistake though, the potential for sectarian violence still exists. Joe’s middle class existence glosses over some of the realities.


as an example. I wonder what was behind this

a rookie mistake


Brilliant article from Joe about today’s Derry SFC final in today’s Sunday Independent.


I’d say Jamie is absolutely coining it

Throw it up there and don’t be teasing us non Sindo buyers

This is well worth a listen. Just highlights how much of a fuck of it Claire Byrne made that night in hindsight. Brolly knows exactly how to play the loyalists. Completely fair and reasonable and expose them for the clowns they are.

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It’s a pity Joe wasted his shot on such a silly target that night

That’s true too he came at it in a bit too much of an ‘attention seeking Joe’ way but still it was desperately handled by Claire.