The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It was but he gave her a chance and he should have known better.

Heā€™s no mug


Anyone have Joes piece this weekend?

A picture from the parents will do.

Iā€™m in agreement with Joe here. I literally had no concept of the enormity of the colossal significance of my clubā€™s accomplishments when winning senior county and ulster medalsā€¦and me but a mere youth of 15 years. I suppose those were my salad days, when I was green in judgment etc (@iron_mike)

Crowded room and friends with tired eyes.
Hiding from you and your soul of ice

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Brolly absolutely nailing the Free State quislings who feel morally superior enough to pontificate on The Troubles without any real life experiences of them.


I see a few Kerrymen wading in on Twitter.

Thereā€™s a lot of lads on here who come from the same cesspit of ignorance as those men.

Listen if ye Catholics had behaved yourselves yeā€™d have been much better off in your 2 bed 20 to a house home.Ye brought it on yerselves.

Thereā€™s plenty of them on here.

For certain and they raise their head to pontificate on history very frequently but the hypocrisy and insincerity is not too hard to expose when you challenge the consistency in their views.

Selfishness and cowardice disguised as moral superiority is what happened in the Free State.

The sad thing is thereā€™s still no contrition of acknowledgement whatsoever from The Free State that it utterly abandoned and betrayed northern nationalists in their hour of need and I think it tells you the character of a person who rather than admit they did something wrong and try to atone for it, they double down and deny any wrongdoing.


Sorry, yes - edited that.

Theyā€™re ashamed of themselves really for abandoning Catholics in the 06.

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President Elect Brolly is a compelling listen


If your grandad does a shite, do you claim the credit?


Itā€™s a bit rich though that lads who donā€™t seem to have any issue with armed violence from the Old IRA are incredulous from what happened over the border and had little impact on their lives.

Thereā€™s a serious pinch of sactimony from southerners when commenting on the north that has zero credibility. It seems to get worse particularly down Munster direction. The usual chippy nordie remarks might come but a spell under the Brits might have given these pricks some perspective.


Brian Hanley book on attitudes to the troubles in the south in the 70s worth a
A lot of older folk down here would give about the ā€œnorthern crowdā€ who moved down in the 70s who wanted ā€œhandoutsā€ from the govt and ā€œwhined and moanedā€ all day every day.

Munster Is ripe with these folk.Sure it was happening up there far away,and it can stay there too.A right bunch of Emma Louiseā€™s.

Itā€™s a nice narrative but nobody in the Republic of Ireland said that. Thereā€™s also no such place as The Free State.

People were generally supportive until the IRA started murdering women and children, often Catholic women and children.