The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That is quite clearly the mainstream attitude down there.

Itā€™s the double standards - justifying the Old IRA but castigating the temerity of those bad mannered and loutish northerners having the audacity to arm itself and defend themselves with nobody else would.

Your lot sat on your hands and did nothing in the face of violent loyalist and British state terrorism and then pontificated on northern nationalists mobilising themselves to do something about it. The irony seems to be lost on you but I would give ye some credit in I donā€™t think you lot are that stupid of actually not see it.

I know ye see it, ye are embarrassed but would rather double down and pretend ye did nothing wrong rather than own up to how the southern state utterly failed northern nationalists.

Itā€™s not. I remember the black flags on lampposts in Dublin during Hunger Strikes. The IRA campaign lost any legitimacy it may have had in the early 80s and thatā€™s widely accepted. The IRA started to attack the Republic and murder their own and the attitude changed.

Anyway Iā€™m not going down this rabbit hole.

Good you can remember black flags for the Hunger Strikers?

Was this the same time as The Gardai were beating hunger strike protestors off the streets, SF members were censored from the air and so forth?

The Irish government went in very hard on northern nationalists. What sort of sanctions did they take on the British Govt when multiples atrocities were being carried out by its forces and its intelligence on both sides of the border? Where were the brave members of the establishment in media and political office calling for action? It never happened did it and the majority of the population didnā€™t question the narrative.

It seems Iā€™m Alright Free State Paddy had as little in the way of backbone then as they have today.

Their stated aim was to overthrow the Republic Of Ireland. They murdered Gardai and Irish army members. They murdered non Military targets. What would you expect the State to do in that situation? Let them at it.


Nope their stated aim was freeing the north of Ireland from British rule, which came about after nationalists were violently repressed while seeking civil rights.

I asked you what your boys did in the face of it? Nothing was the answer, quite happy to sit back and allow British state terrorism continue on the samr island

You are exactly the type of person Brolly is on about. Quite happy to rewrite history and pretend the nationalists brought it in themselves and the PIRA were evil while eulogising violent killers from their own stateā€™s history.

Itā€™s just blatant hypocrisy and faux outrage and morals when it comes to the north.

How did the Free State respond to the Dublin Monaghan bombings?

Their stated aim was also to overthrow the government of the Republic of Ireland.

Brolly didnā€™t live in the South so is talking about something he knows nothing about. Which is Not the first time.

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Nope it wasnā€™t. Their stated aim was independence and overthrowing British rule this freeing the nationalist population from the violent sectarian repression they endured

Interesting to see you unable to address how the FS govt persistently failed to tackle the British govt on their terrorist actions including the biggest atrocity the FS ever had in the Dublin Monaghan bombings. Yet were emboldened to go to war with the PIRA.

Eamon McCann with more on the prevailing Southern attitude yo the north.


Member of the Free State GAA media acknowledging the free staters have a serious issue with northern teams being successful.

The Free State media utterly embarrassed themselves this year over the Covid thing with Tyrone

The media hate winners - the Limericks, the Tyrones should wear it as a badge of honour.

Prefer that than the fawning over Mayo and Cork hurling etc.

Nobody mentioned Limerick mate. Tyrone are warriors, everyone of them. They were fantastic. Limerick just bore the shit out of people. Not comparable.


Tyrone always bring a bit of razzmatazz to the Championship.

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Tyrone fans are sound - itā€™s the Armagh fans that are wankers


Sectarian abuse from the Protestants in Croke Park?

I did smile when the NI teams got up in arms over sledging during matches given their own record.

No from the West Brits.

Look Iā€™ve had it myself here from the low brow posters.

Armagh Tyrone in Croke Park in 2017 was fruity in the stands

Ricey did a great interview a few years back with Malachy Clerkin if anyone will do the honours of putting it up.

Like in all other walks of free State society thereā€™s a serious discriminatory undertone when northerners look out for themselves and start to do well for themselves. The southern shame of abandoning their brethren in a moment of need manifests itself into doubling down on wrongdoings.

Thatā€™s what made that win over Kerry oh so sweet this year.

Vintage Sparkle GIF

was it ricey that abused the donegal lad over his sisters suicide?