The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Which Donegal player?

Ask Ricey

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A far cry from the 3 iconic games between them in HQ in 2005. 2003 was a great occasion too.

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‘Maire T’ is a grade A pain in the hole. Don’t take anything she says as being the voice of the ‘free state’


She is an unmerciful dose that wan -


How could any Ulster GAA folk receive sectarian abuse down south ???


The reality is that the abuse about free state / Brit bastards cuts both ways and reflects awful on both sides


Not really. Calling someone a free state bastard has merit. It reminds the free staters that they turned their back on their northern brethren and have acknowledged that or shown any contrition.

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free staters tells nationalists how they should feel is wring


What is your first language?

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Ironic getting lectures on this from a northern keyboard warrior to came south to earn a crust

What did you do to end partition ,??


Free Staters don’t like being hit with the home truths, that’s the issue here.

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You joined the free staters . You are a quisling to your community . For shame .

I never joined the free staters.

This is really all about Limerick

It is an awful silly misleading term - the free state

There is very little free here .

Two sides of the same shitty coin.

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The verbal abuse may have cut both ways but the northern nationalists had to endure some other stuff too. Serious enough aul stuff too. Denial of civil rights and state sponsored mass murder and the like.
Being called a free state bastard once by some northern nationalist sort of pales in comparison a bit.


'Tis funny how the Northern Catholics that actually did most for civil rights are hated by the PIRA brigade.

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I wasn’t getting at that - my point was that people shouldn’t be engaging in such slurs in a football game .

Reflects very poorly . Most would not do it tbh