The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

not destroy the evidence of the Dublin Monaghan Bombings


I donā€™t think you are getting my point

Thatā€™d be a start alright

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is greatest angler / fisherman the forum has ever seen.


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Youā€™re sneering at pragmatism in 1921 pal.

I look forward to the invasion of Northern Ireland once Sinn Fein take power in Dublin.

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Youā€™ve lost me.

A united Ireland is a non-issue in the Republic. Itā€™s irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of people. End of.

Itā€™d be very funny if a united Ireland referendum passed up north and failed down here. Iā€™d nearly vote No just to see the look on Joeā€™s face in that scenario. :grinning:


I very much doubt they do. You sort of lose the ability to wonder about anything when you die in a hail of bullets.

They died for absolutely nothing and they died because they were completely outfoxed by the Brits.

Their deaths may at least have prevented some innocent people dying, so at least their families have that consolation.


You are some can of piss


Isnā€™t that what the PIRA decorated their rooms with? Or did they prefer number 2?

Some die in a hail of bullets others die coughing and gasping for breath.

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For a crowd that are hoping to hook up with us two faced freestaters,they sure have a strange way of going about it.

Alot of people in the Republic were and still are horrified by the actions of the troubles.
Kids getting blown up,mothers getting dragged out of their houses in front of their kids and getting executed,routine kneecappings and so on.
Even recently,the resident Tyrone tinker on here was gushing in his admiration of the northern Bank robbery.

Iā€™d cut the whole lot of them loose,tbh.They hate the prods,unionists.They also have a serious issue with people down south.
Theyā€™ll never be happy,so Iā€™d tell them,politely,to fuck off and paddle their own canoe and stop dragging the rest of us down.We donā€™t need them and their baggage.

Happy Christmas xx


Thatā€™s enough about @glenshane.

Thereā€™s that misplaced free state arrogance. Itā€™s not about joining the Free State, itā€™s about the abolition if two failed states.

Weā€™re doing fine


Free state is a failed state ?


Well it did end in 1949.

Jaysus he really craves the spotlight. Losing TSG gig must have stung.