The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Ah Brolly is great fun. He eviscerated the boys the other day. It was worth trying to find to half time on the RTE player and all the fucking adverts alone that entailed, to watch it.

Joe has fucked off and left his wife and family for a young one. Fact.


You can forget about him as a man


could happen to anyone FFS


See Germany invaded Poland

Miriam O’Callaghan’s husband has fucked off and left her for a young one.


Michael D Higgins is gay.

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I heard via whispers a while ago he has a woman in Mayo.


Is that where he got the jersey?

yep, ditched his family for a young wan he met cycling

Brolly did?

Was it a fixie?


That’s extremely fucking lame kid.

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Do like Joe. If for nothing else but how he constantly interrupts Ciaran Whelan.

Thought the Bad Santa analogy in this was ace.

The GPA are the poster boy for everything that is fucked up in this country.


Joe Brolly knows the score

Maybe they are but Brolly and O Rourke would have pulled over a million euro each from their gaa related media work in the last 20 years. The two of them slagging off young lads for trying to make a few pound out of their profile sickens my hole.