The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Young lads? It’s fat Dessie that’s the one making out like a bandit!


Would Joe be litigious? This thread could make for interesting reading.

Whatever gave you that idea?

Donating a kidney to a stranger is a thing most people would never do. Amazing really. From what I have read about him he seems to do a lot of work for charity and people with illnesses.

On other hand he has that chippy Northern Irish thing going on of shouting down or ignoring all other opinions, dismissing other people’s views as irrelevant, being quite cruel and biting in his put downs or comments.

The big personality leaves little space for other people in a room.


I think he’s great, but agree with that.

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If you wanted to be heard in Joes part of the world you had to be loud,soft limerick lads wouldnt last long up that part of the country

And i agree with that.

Can’t have it all.

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Robbie Hennelly mugged off.


Read that earlier. Screaming Mary’s making a few bob on the GAA mindfulness circuit will be seething even more than they were last week.


He massively overhyped McCusker in that though, best keeper in Ireland for 10 years my hole.

Three goalkeepers he can think of had boring personalities. Hennelly isn’t boring as them so he’s a born loser.

Insightful stuff Joe.

It only dawned on me today this langer is from Breaffy.

Is that just a place full of jumped up losers and whingers? Fuck me they are stick up their own ass.

I actually like this Mayo team, generally. I love Vaughan, Boyle, Keegan, O’Connor, McGloughlin, Higgins, Harrison, Durcan. Savage footballers. But it seems apparent now alot of the hassle stems from one place 8 miles from Castlebar. Seamus was v.good in fairness the last day, but was incredibly selfish in his ay in the draw. Aidan gave up in both games at different times. Henneally was a disaster. Conor is good and seem he may actually have the best balance of skills and athleticism of the 3 O’Se’s. But they are an issue

Some huge calls for Rochford in how they approach next year. You have 3

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Robert Hennelly wrote a short message to Mayo supporters on his social media account after the final replay, which proves he’s a jumped celebrity loser and and a whinger.

Lee Keegan wrote a short message to Mayo supporters on his social media account after the final replay, which proves he’s a warrior and a savage footballer.

Or perhaps some people read too much into these things.

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Keegan went on the piss for a day extra, there’s your difference

Where was seamie o Shea yesterday for his club kev.On the bench.

Really? Why?

Keegans well entitled too. If he doesn’t get foty it be a travesty

Glug glug apparently


What a langer.

Fair play to the club. Cannot be allowing that disrespect.

Did they win?