The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread


The fucking cut of Donie Cassidy.

Great times. At the end of sean cavanaghā€™s career no man can turn around and say he was merely a despicable cheat who debased his god given talent by adhering to the abhorrent and cowardly nature of both himself and his manager, but only because he inspired this glorious rant

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Great episode of the free state, after three very iffy attempts mind you.

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An absolute Tour de France. The huge risk Prince one was dreadful though

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Some takedown of Brolly here

His rants have become far more regular, extreme, and republican in the last while. Presumably thereā€™s an end-goal in mind for someone as cute as a Brolly.

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Kayleigh is fantastic.

These uppity nordies

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He eviscerated fanning and O Toole

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O tooleā€™s career is over

It will be upon his corpse that Joe will build his altar

I like Joe but thatā€™s a defenestration.

There is indeed something very priest-like about a certain breed of NI Catholic who deems their views unchallengeable.

Does anyone else on the forum want to align themselves with this sort of disgusting bigotry. @Rocko @Bandage ? Seriously?

Thatā€™s an amazing tweet, fascinating in a multitude of ways. Brolly might need to go away and have a long think about matters.


Stop being so angry, petal. Is there no joy in your life at all?

I had to stop half way through that. Do you honestly think that twitter account addressed the issues being discussed? Going off on a tirade about the problems southerners had back in the 60s and 70s educational system yet not reverting to violence :joy:- this actually vindicates Brolly and Moore entirely. Talk about missing the point entirelyā€¦

Neither party vote SF as far as i know and neither supported violence in any way, shape or form. Brolly stated this fully in the episode in question,which you clearly didnā€™t listen to, but you seem happy to support this ā€˜takedownā€™ regardless. While Moore was only 7 when GFA was signed, her experience was the hangover of nationalists not trusting the police, the army, the stateā€¦ Nor indeed the southern government. She had a family member killed on Bloody Sunday.

They both talk about the othering of northern nationalits because of the troubles. The twitter account youā€™ve posted jumps straight into citing violence, murder, bombsā€¦ Doing exactly what Brolly and Moore said that ā€˜someā€™ members of southern society have doneā€¦ Can you not see this? Youā€™re doing exactly that, saying all nordies are violent lunatics and placing southern nationalits on a higher plane because what, they didnā€™t blow up the Christian brothers :joy:

Northern nationalits of a certain age ā€¦ which again Brolly and Moore stateā€¦ should feel abandoned by the southā€¦ No vote, little job prospects, open to violence from both police and unionist community alike and little to no political support or protectionā€¦ Moore herself talks about it taking over 50 years for a taoiseach to attend a Bloody Sunday remembranceā€¦ Years after the tans came out and said it was murder.

Whether you like it or not the state did and still do acquiesce to the tans around the north and the state backed terrorism they carried out on this islandā€¦ Again, why would nationalits not feel this is another form of abandonment?

If the state didnā€™t ignore northern nationalits, why did Varadkar feel the need to publicly address them and tell them theyā€™ll never again be left behind?

Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™ve missed any intelligent points this lunatic might have later made, but when your starting point is to equate the troubles with the Christian brothers and nuns that ran southern schools , i donā€™t think anyone with a shred of intelligence could read beyond that ā€¦i suspect this person, much like yourself, hasnā€™t listened to the full episodes from both podders and is happy to go off on a tangent based of a couple of short clips.

Neither of them justified or support violence. They largely talked about a lived experience.


Lecturing the south and telling us what weā€™ll need to accept is a sure fire way to stop a United Ireland. Itā€™s become a recent narrative Iā€™ve seen in the north. Itā€™s not helpful if people want to move on and work towards a shared island and a UI.

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You christian brotherā€™s loving bastard.

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Iā€™ve thought this one through- northern Catholics should be grateful that that northern protestants didnā€™t have to be abused in Christian brothers schools. I think thats it?