The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Odd that youā€™d project a comment about an individual onto a broad group. Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s sensible.

That was a particularly weird take

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Maybe itā€™s parody? I didnā€™t want to choke on my lunch so i stopped readingā€¦ Iā€™ll go back again later to see if i read it correctly.

Can you please explain why you and your sort didnā€™t bomb the Christian Brothers Schools and ā€˜mother and baby homesā€™ in the north? - that fella has expectations from savages and you have let him down badly.

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Us uppity nordies

You (individually) seem to have a fierce victim complex.

If it happened to the free staters it happened, if it happened to northern taigs it didnā€™t happen unless it happened to northern protestants, canā€™t you see?

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Thats joe and i dealt with. A helluva job.

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Most oppressed people EVA

All he is doing is the bidding of a certain organisation.

ā€œLived experienceā€, lolz

Just the Shinners and their apologists.

Sid gauged @tallbackā€™s objection to joe perfectly. Well done on aligning yourselfā€¦

Joe will united Ireland.

Thatā€™s the same stuff the likes of @Halfpipe says on here. ā€œIā€™m not a Shinnerā€ butā€¦

Again, what do you suppose the South did?

@glenshane was saying they should have gone to an international organisation to complain but didnā€™t seem aware that is exactly what happened.

What was it that should have been done? Invade? :rofl:

As for the Northern Catholics- the ones growing up in the 1960s and through the Troubles were the ones who when polled in the late 1990s who rejected the Provisionals campaign. That was from their ā€œlived experienceā€.

Since the opinion has shifted as demographics have shifted. Bizarrely the people who didnā€™t live through it seem to think it was more justified. According to the likes of @Halfpipe thatā€™s because the lived experience wasnā€™t that important and that people needed inquiries on Bloody Sunday to reassess things. :rofl:

Itā€™s a pretty simple gameplan that SF have pursued.

  • push for years that their campaign was justified
  • anytime a IRA atrocity is brought up say the youth have moved on and donā€™t care
  • emphasise British Army atrocities
  • attack the State they supposedly want to be a part of
  • gaslight those who donā€™t agree

Shinners believe in something you could term Schrodingerā€™s Oppression.

Schrodingerā€™s Oppression holds that NI Catholics are no longer oppressed, because of the Provos (even though the Provos had precisely fuck all to do with NI Catholics no longer being oppressed).

Schrodingerā€™s Oppression also holds that NI Catholics are still oppressed and things as just as bad as they were in 1969.

Schrodingerā€™s Oppression holds that Ireland ā€“ the Republic - is a basket case state, its citizens mercilessly oppressed by THEM. In 2023.

Schrodingerā€™s Oppression also holds that Irish people were not any way oppressed in the days when the Catholic Church held the whip hand over official policy and society operated according to conservative Catholic doctrine.

Their energy is spent justifying the campaign north and south to a certain audience. They have completely failed to move the dial in the north on unification despite favourable demographics.

Itā€™s blame the south and southern political parties for no UI despite a 32 county republican being the consensus position across the board.

Seems like the usual suspects canā€™t leave the IRA and Sinn Fein bashing out any discussion on northern nationalits.

Point well and truly proven.


Proven over what?

Thereā€™s been a long running effort at claiming the south didnā€™t even know what was going on in the north.

Itā€™s absolute nonsense and deflection, solely designed to rewrite history how one party likes it.

Brolly is a laugh. He does his thing and lambastes modern day terrorists in the New IRA but goes apeshit when the Provisionals are mentioned or someone suggests that naming GGA grounds after terrorists during the Troubles isnā€™t the smartest if you want a UI. He seems to expend a lot of energy shouting at people in the South for ā€œnot understandingā€.

What is he trying to convince us all on?

The two podcasts in question are easily Accessible. Fuck away and listen to them and donā€™t be annoying me with your SF bashing and campaign this and IRA that .

The discussion wasnā€™t about that. You christian brother lover.