The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I quoted you specifically.

If you canā€™t deal with those being discussed then Iā€™m not sure what the point of you being here is?

You seem to think you have some special insight into the oppression of Catholics in Northern Ireland. Itā€™s the same wheez that Brolly and AGM go with.

I was talking to a neighbour yesterday, she was telling me that entry to her university course of choice wasnā€™t made any easier by ā€œsoutherners coming up and taking our placesā€. Sheā€™s a nice kid, her oul lad is a gent and sheā€™s only seventeen. Itā€™s the same mindset really, but thereā€™s an excuse for her and sheā€™ll grow out of it. I wish i could say the same for a few of these lads.

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Iā€™m not here to hold your hand.

Just had the DUP canvassers at the door there. Iv taken a look and particularly enjoyed the section that states ā€œSince 2014 Ian has sought to work hard and bring a new style of politics to the town. He has worked closely with local community groups, the bands fraternity and loyal orders to help achieve funding and assist them with their needsā€¦ Ian and his family attend church regularlyā€. I wouldnā€™t usually entertain them or read the literature in detail but I saw @Tim_Riggins had tagged me multiple times in a single post - I knew reading the DUP leaflet would leave me more enlightened than anything in that post.


Just had a listen to the Podcast in question there which may put me in the minority around here. An absolute Tour de France from Joe.


we dont deserve him

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And youā€™ll give yourself a pat on the back for sharing a pint (or baked good in the DUPā€™s case) in time.

Joe will make a fantastic president after Miggeldey

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One of the great features about Trinity College is the amount of NI Protestants that go there.

The genuine all-island ethos is to be found most of all at Dublin University.

I donā€™t need a gobshite like you to tell me about the ethos of one of my alma maters

He drives all the TFK mini Brutonites absolutely batshit


Do you reckon heā€™s genuinely angling for this? It would definitely tally with his effort to up his profile over the last year.

If SF run Gerry could that be problematic for both though?

If youā€™re going to and try and impersonate a County Londonderry celebrity you should at least make the impersonation believable and go for Frostbit Boy.

Heā€™s gone to Malaga.

Joe only has one alma mater

Joeā€™s alma mater is Trinity College Dublin.

Yours is Clown College Claudy.

Well when Brolly made the point 6 years ago that the maiming of a PSNI member by a bomb and lack of support from his GGA club was vile, I was in full agreement with him. Indeed many of those celebrating him now were bashing him then.

My issue with Brolly is that there is a very transparent Provo justification campaign going on that he engages in. He is all in for reconciliation and forgetting the past when it suits.

This was the mindset that led to the Provos. Itā€™s also the same mindset that says parts of Lithuania and Poland are still Germany.

Itā€™s the mindset of the dissos.

The mindset of the dissos at least has some perverse integrity - they recognise that Northern Ireland is still British. And therefore thatā€™s their justification for blowing up Peadar Heffron and Ronan Kerr and for the Omagh bomb. The same mindset the Provos had for 27 years.

The other mindset - that of Sinn Fein now - is preferable in that it at least stopped the murdering when it did.

But itā€™s also filled with contradictions and dishonesties. It holds that murdering PSNI members now is wrong. But if itā€™s wrong now, how could it have been right to murder RUC members then? Whatā€™s the difference? Northern Ireland is still British. Whatā€™s the difference? Gerry Adamsā€™s say so? Who is Gerry Adams or Michelle Oā€™Neill or Mary Lou McDonald to say what was justified when and what is not justified now?

If Northern Ireland is still British, and it is, what was all the murder for? It was a total failure. It achieved nothing.

This is the central delusion at the heart of Sinn Fein still. It has to dress up three decades of failure, of nihilism, as ā€œthere was no alternativeā€. TINA. That was Margaret Thatcherā€™s favourite phrase.

But there was an alternative. Sinn Fein know this because thatā€™s the alternative theyā€™ve been pursuing since 1997, when their previous strategy failed once and for all.

The only conclusion one can draw is that those marching for civil rights in 1971 could easily have signed the good Friday agreement in 1997 but chose to be shot and water cannoned instead, in 1971.

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Iā€™m voting for the monk.

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