The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Genuine question actually.
If Konor runs for president, are there enough fanpeople out there to vote for him?

What a sorry vision for Ireland is the Provo vision, if it is threatened by cleaning women and clerks, contractors or bricklayers.

Death or dole is the widest choice offered by these champions of the oppressed.

John Hume

He also described republicans’ objectives as being “not Irish unity, not freedom – but power”.

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What does that have to do with joe brolly?

This lad thinks genuinely NI Catholics were more oppressed than the blacks in America or the blacks in South Africa.

This happens when you’ve never opened a book in your life and confine yourself to the same “news sources” as Aisling O’Loughlin.

Two words: President Bono.

I’ll defer to John Hume’s perspective over Brolly’s newly founded hot takes to get listeners

Hume was slated by the Brutonites and independent newspapers in the early 90s for talking to the ira in an effort to bring about peace . I can’t help suspecting if you were around at the time you would of been part of that chorus.

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That’s a lovely straw man.

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Thank you.

Hume called out the IRA in 1977

The Irish
Times, (8 March 1977): … [23757] - [Newspaper Article]
Never in the long history of Ireland had any organisation claiming to represent basic nationalist aspirations reduced itself to the level of the recent Provisional IRA campaign against a section of the Irish people.

The leadership of the Provisional IRA have decided to murder people purely and simply because of the way they work for their living - because they are in business.

Is there no one left in the ranks of the Provisional IRA who have even a spark of idealism and who has the courage to stand up to his colleagues and shout “stop”,

Is there no one who will look back over the past seven years and ask himself: after 1,500 dead and 17,000 injured, after over more than 500 bombs, what has been achieved?

It is no excuse to point to the atrocities of others. The Provisional IRA are responsible for their own actions and for the suffering they have brought on their own people. And what has the leadership of the Provisional IRA given in return to the thousands of young people who have idealistically joined their ranks and who now find themselves in graves or in jail?

In our city anyone who looks back over the past seven troubled years will recignise at once that anything that has been achieved has been achieved by purely non-violent and political means.

Derry Corporation has disappeared and been replaced by a democratically elected council.

The last few years have seen a great improvement in Derry’s housing situation. On the employment front we have attracted massive new industry. Can anyone doubt but for the violence we would have attracted more.

@binkybarnes seems obsessed with John Bruton. ‘Tis an awfully warped mind to be more concerned about him than the atrocities of PSF/IRA but there we are.

Brolly has been consistent for years. There’s a need to pigeonhole almost every northerner as a provo. It’s utterly pathetic. For years any catholic who appeared on bbc ni had to wear a poppy, overtly condemn the ira and only the ira on cue, or somehow demonstrate that they were one of the good catholics. Once they had been reminded of the status quo they could be tolerated. That attitude still exists in the north, but it’s far more prevalent in the south. I don’t remember brolly ever saying he was anything but against violence and the ira campaign- but he’s not a coward and he’s not going to be your mealy mouthed ‘house n$%@&’. Why should he keep his own intelligence and sense of self hidden in order to pander to the bigoted polite fiction expected by a bunch of smug snobs? And his stance isn’t popular, he’d go further in rte etc if he lied through his teeth.

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He’s trying very hard to stay relevant. He really misses the profile of the RTÉ job.

He knows nothing about the “south” as he never lived here until a year or two ago. That’s his logic on the north.

This shite that people in the Republic of Ireland blamed nationalists is a load of shite and he spreads it thickly.

So what if he enjoyed the profile. And id say he learned plenty about the south by working in rte

That is he goes apeshit if the terrorist organisation his family had associations with is mentioned negatively.

If you criticise them then you’re just southerner who just doesn’t get it.

He is entitled to bring up the past about the British Army though.

Nobody hates Joe Brolly or any other Northern Catholic. I hate pondlife like Dessie Ellis just the same.

Pretty sure he did his degree in trinity when he was a sporting lad


He’s mentioned them negatively repeatedly, just not on cue maybe

I stand corrected.

He clearly developed a view that people in the Republic blame nationalists when he was there.

I don’t think that’s true but it’s his opinion.

This is the same Brolly who says it’s nobodies business if GGA clubs are never after Provos.

His rambling attack on Fintan O’Toole boiled down to “he doesn’t get it because he’s from the South”.

It strikes a nerve with Brolly and we all know why. He is all for the “let’s move on, my kids know nothing of the Troubles” when it suits.

The reality is that Brolly and his ilk are embedding a long term division in the north. Having an old cuppa with another bigot to get a pat on the back before going back to your tribe and peddling the same regressive BS is about his own ego and standing.

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This is him in his own words.

He’s also acted as a lawyer for loyalist terrorists within last ten years.

He’s a smart lad and I think he’s able to articulate any argument or point of view - even ones he doesn’t believe.

The fact we’re discussing him is his success