The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You’re projecting


Jaysus. A minute ago it was all the brits, now its all the 'Republic '.

You’ll be fine- You’re not a cretin and you begrudgingly agree with me, its the other two you should be worried about.

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You’re totally over blowing ‘the south’ angel ffs. Himself and Moore are on about sections of southern Ireland, particularly establishment Ireland… And he’s right, that attitude did and still does exist… See Ryan Tubridy a few years ago when celebrating the centaury of the state… ‘It’s great we can reclaim the flag again after the whole Northern thing’ - they were his words, or something to that effect … Dismissing all nationalists in the north as complicit with the IRA and totally oblivious (purposely) to how they were terrorised by the British state. A taoiseach not turning up to a Bloody Sunday memorial is saying the exact same thing. Middle class Ireland branded northern nationalists and acquiesced to the tans - see @Tim_Riggins as a prime example of this.


The two who have passionately argued for Ukrainians to murder all russian invaders and supporters of Russia in Ukraine? The guys who want NATO to bomb the Russian mainland because Russia has invaded another country? Is that who you are referring to?

It’s almost like they’re against imperialism or something…

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You are in your hole :joy::joy:

Shur aren’t emojis great altogether. Wtf are you slabbering about- examples please?

Joe has lads on strings here.

He’ll make a great president at this rate


Hardly “the south” :joy::joy:

Both ends of a bollox then.

The civil rights justification for violence (if there ever was one) was over by the mid 70s with the dismantling of the sectarian apparatus/Stormont etc.

The IRA then set about an armed campaign to bring about a socialist workers republic which included over throwing the democratically elected government in ROI. That campaign involved murdering Catholics north and south.

The attempts to paint people in the ROI as pro British or anti Nationalist because they opposed that campaign (as did the overwhelming majority of nationalists in the North) can be dismissed as a form of revisionism aimed at laundering history for the benefit of the perpetrators and their current political representatives

Being anti IRA wasn’t anti Nationalist and in fact was the opposite. If Northern people like Brolly feel hard done by that they encountered hostility down here they can reflect on their own attitude to the south and Dublin and the constant sniping at us as Staters and Mexicans. Calling people names tends to draw a reaction. And he’s still at.


An excellent post spoiled by the last line.
There is some excellent debate in here. There is truth on both sides of it. FWIW, I think Sinn Fein have succeeded in their “revisionism” (I don’t think it is, but anyway, in large part due to the collusion of the organs of the British government with the loyalist terrorists becoming increasingly apparent.
My 2 cent is that we are as rich as we are ever going to be. We should reunite the country now, stuff the mouths of the moderate population with gold (by mimicking the NHS or whatever it takes), giving plenty of grants, etc, and sideline the extreme unionist lunatic fringe.
Vigorously encouraged integration in schools immediately would be priority number 1.
Somebody is going to have to rip the plaster off. There is unlikely to ever be a better time. If it’s a couple of percent more in tax, what of it?

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Ah here. They were burning Catholics out of their homes. That’s what started it. Catholics had peacefully tolerated apartheid up til then. They were remarkable in their restraint.

You’re right, it was excellent- but i should have really put it up to the bastards at the end there, twisted the knife like. I’m far too gentle at times.


You’re completely missing the point.

Violence has a life of its own. It doesn’t excuse the protagonists, and it puts normal people under abnormal stress. Trouble with the north is it allowed a bunch of no hope losers, dole monkeys and Konor McGregor Wannabees to gain a powerful place in a society in which they should and would have been nomarks in normal times. The psychopaths could enact their vile fantasies draped in a butchers apron or a tricolour.

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He’s dialling it in at this stage.

It’ll be unreal. I’d hand the country over to him entirely. Could it be worse than the shitshow it is currently?

To be honest it isn’t even debatable. The Provos started the Troubles. The Provos WANTED the Troubles.

Amazing, Tubs your example. :rofl:

The only thing was incorrect about was that it was Italia 90 that started to make the flag acceptable to use again. A few bumpy years after that like when Gerry Adams draped a flag over his paedophile father’s coffin or the Clonoe cowards funerals.

Nothing to do with Northern Catholics though, just the pondlife scum of the Provos in general.

No no no, the murder or Garda McCabe when he was protecting a social welfare delivery was all about protecting Civil Rights in the north. You just wouldn’t get it as a southerner.

Gladstone tried that over 130 years ago.

“Kill Home Rule with kindness”.

You haven’t a clue how things work. You think nationality and identity is a question of economics. It’s laughable.