The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

There was simply no alternative to bombing the shit out of majority Catholic towns in South Derry in 1993.

Ulsterbus was British oppression, economic activity was British oppression.

Mary Heaney was British oppression.

Some generation has to do it. We can’t always pander to screaming Marys. It just takes a bit of courage and determination.

Some generation has to do what?

The middle ground will vote with their pockets. As they always have.

That’s grand so. You clearly expect a No vote in any hypothetical United Ireland referendum down here.

I’d expect it to be 60/40 in favour… The 18-35 bracket would probably carry the day along with the working class vote and rooral Ireland. The urban 40-55 bracket probably mostly against.

Of course it would be in favour because your notion that the middle ground votes purely with their pocket is bunkum.

And it’s bunkum up North. But even if it isn’t bunkum, the Union wins anyway.

Because who the fuck would give up the NHS for Ireland’s extortionate two tier health care system and bloated housing market?

The irony is that in any hypothetical United Ireland referendum down here, a lot of the “No” vote will be made up by people who vote Sinn Fein as a protest, the same let it rip crowd who believed Covid was a conspiracy and that vaccines were a conspiracy.

I’ve said for years, it’s the likes of Neale Richmond and Simon Coveney who would get any future United Ireland referendum over the line in the south.

Not Eoin O’Broin or Mary Lou McDonald or Pearse Doherty. If Sinn Fein get into government here that’s also likely to put the tin hat on it.

The middle class will always pursue their own economic interests above all else.

It’s fascinating that you think the economic argument is against a united Ireland.

It’s almost like you’re doing the job of the DUP for them.

I haven’t really.

The SF lads vote with other people’s pockets

SF have sold out. They are no different to FFG now.

That’s where MLMD has them.

But at least there’s an opposition there now which all parliaments need. FFG should just merge.

The GFA?

The Got Fuck All Agreement?

Now you’re just being blatantly dishonest.

The Provos were not formed to bring peace. The Provos were formed to bring about a united Ireland through killing, maiming and murdering.

They unequivocally failed in their aim.

The blatant dishonesty is in the claim that anything advanced by the Good Friday Agreement would not have happened decades earlier without the killing, maiming, murder.

Except that election results, polls and the census say it won’t happen.

Never mind though, you’ll just blame it on southern political parties I’m sure. It isn’t that yourself and others make excuses for a pack of scumbag murderers that put off the middle ground.

The real enemy is elitist neoliberals like yourself … The sooner my working class brothers in east / west Belfast see that, the better this whole island will be.

That’s the shtick that the Officials and the INLA tried in the 70s. They ended up killing one another.

The East Belfast types aren’t converting to a UI mindset whilst dinosaurs like Brolly and yourself encourage regressive republicanism.

There are some steps beyond that for the south to take but they certainly won’t happen once the Provos meme their campaign to normalcy.

FFG did it. SF will do it.