The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Time for SF and FF to reunite

Did what?

And FG and the DUP

Brolly’s drooling over Dublin footballers is embarrassing.

Listened to the podcast earlier, he prefaced a story about Brian McGilligan by saying that they were all men in the dressing rooms back then, not children
A lovely little dig at todays ‘professional’ inter county GAA players

Social media addict criticises players for being on social media.

Joe is a hoot sometimes, in a laughing at him rather than with him way.

People are of their time. They cannot operate in a different world to the one they exist in.


That’s it joe, lay it into the bastards


Hon Joe

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I’ve listened to a couple of episodes of that, I find myself agreeing with Joe on a lot of things, a nice live and let live attitude which sone would describe as woke but quite intolerant of a lot of the silly stuff that often goes hand in hand with it

Joes gonna be an incredible president

He’ll unite ireland, whether the free staters like it or not

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I’ve set up a google doc of those who will be first agin the wall

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Should be a good auld listen

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How does Joe differentiate the Omagh bombing and the current “dissidents” or maybe he doesn’t ?

Did he tell President Biden that all acts of terrorism when viewed through prism of history and context are ultimately justified ?

You’ll have to ask Joe those questions bud

Or ask him to compare with the Civil War massacre in Ballyseedy?

Personally I have never understood why everything has to be quantified or compared to another action from another era just because you may consider one right and one wrong.

Its the true sign of a proper free state cunt though all the same. Unlike previous generations it doesn’t work on the youth of today though, they have seen the misery brought on by FFG with their own eyes :+1:

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I’m just about to start spreading fertiliser and the podcast has landed. Talk about serendipitousityness


If the youth think this is misery they may be in for a rude awakening. They lack a sense of perspective but they’ll get that soon.

Calling people from the Republic of Ireland “free state cunts” and then crying when we’re not nice about ye :joy::joy:

Do you ever consider the situation or point of view of people outside your own social class? Thats not meant to be a confrontational question but a lot of your posts on this stuff seem to come from a comfortable middle class bubble.

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