The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

I’ve lots of friends and family and know people outside “my own class”.

There is a housing shortage and it’s a political priority to fix it.

However the narrative has become we’re some class of basket case country where people live a hellish existence. It’s not true. Anybody who lived here in 70s and 80s (or earlier) has a perspective on that. We now have a country where by and large people can stay, get a really good job and have a family. We don’t export our people the way we once did.

Its far more relevant than the constant badgering of anyone with any sort of republican beliefs about how they feel on events from the past though :+1:. However you are so detatched you can’t see that, the laughs are reminiscent of the FFG sneering which only keeps them irrelevant to younger folk today, whatever floats your boat

Nobody’s badgering anybody with republican beliefs. Just those who explode bombs in town centres like Omagh.

Giving out about sneering while using FFG as a sneer. You’ll be in power after the next election and hopefully can deliver the utopia that has so far eluded us here in the free state.

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If you don’t have anywhere to live in the country today i would say your existence could be described as hellish. Similarly if you, or a family member is seriously ill and you don’t have access to private health care it can also be a pretty hellish existence.

Its been a political priority to fix these ‘emergencies’ for a long time but things only seem to be getting worse. An awful lot of people are suffering and have suffered as a result. Endless Links to news stories telling us that Ireland GDP has sky rocketed, or we are the third wealthiest country in wherever probably seem like a sick joke to these people.

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Any sort of republican or even nationalist beliefs so :+1:. Is it any more relevant than comparing with Ballyseedy as mentioned above? This is the go-to for FFG, it bores the hell out of the rest of us, and an even larger proportion of the young population, desperation does that to you…

If it does materialise nothing could be any worse than the corrupt shit show the ugly twins have brought us through over the decades anyway

That’s the sort of hyperbole which is detached from facts.

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Don’t we have the highest life expectancy in the EU now? How does that tie in with healthcare apparently being a shambles?

I have no idea what our life expectancy is in relation to other EU countries. Are you trying to claim that we have a properly functioning health service

We’ve similar problems to most countries. There’s a real post colonial inferiority complex in Ireland where we’re either the best in the world looking for a pat on the head for our hurling on Sky or our great craic football fans or we’re shite and the country is a basket case.

The development of the economy means anybody who wants a job can have one and we’re well placed to fix the structural problems we have in housing.

The health system needs reform in terms of how people access it and waiting for treatment but once they are in the system the consensus is the treatment is very good. Most people in the country have access to free healthcare and drugs via medical card or drug schemes.

There’s a been a huge population surge in Ireland and due to to the GFC we couldn’t invest when we should have in infrastructure. The economic recovery allowed us to provide very generous supports during Covid.

The emphasis on housing and there being money available means it’ll be sorted within next 5 years.

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I just think that perspective is needed on these issues. All countries have problems and we have less than most

We’ll agree to disagree so. It must be a generation thing

Anyone who blithely compares the Ireland of today favourably with that of whatever era is clearly an I’m alright completely out of touch with, and that doesn’t give a fuck about, the experience of hundreds of thousands of people in this country today.

What utter nonsense.

It’s entirely possible to recognise that the standard of living has hugely improved in Ireland while also recognising that there are ongoing massive issues (in housing in particular).

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I agree with your second statement. But to say the first part of it without the second or to use the first part to be dismissive about the experience of hundreds of thousands of people would show one up quite badly.

A decent listen.

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Your first statement said, in black and white, that “anyone who blithely compares the Ireland of today favourably” “clearly … doesn’t give a fuck about hundreds of thousands of people in this country today”.

That’s quite a bit different from anyone using it to be dismissive …

Yesterday’s problems are not today’s problems. Today’s problems are not tomorrow’s problems.

But problems are still problems.

But a problem shared is a problem halved.


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The housing problem won’t be a problem in five years.

Bookmark it.

Both are correct.

A fine effort from joe.
Did john briton really say that meeting Charles Windsor was the greatest day of his life?