The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe should really record that podcast in mcreynolds on a Friday night. Weā€™d encourage him, correct his occasional errors and offer philosophy, objectivity and wisdom. Weā€™ll probably be the backbone of his inevitable presidency.

It would be an absolutely brilliant podcast if fanning challenged him more. Iā€™d love to hear them tackle the issue of Joe lionising the extreme violence of gaa in the 70s and 80s. No doubt fanning is appalled by that sort of guff. Joe told a great story about how a 6 ft 5 bear of a man deliberately breaking 4 fingers of a small fella was one of the things that made him proud to be from Derry.

Mcgilligan settled plenty of rows but he never started any of them.

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Pulling across a lads hand and breaking 4 of his fingers on purpose though. If Joe was actually challenged about why he thought that was great but sean cavanagh pulling a lad down to stop a goal was a war crime itā€™d make for interesting podding.

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When Joe goes into full flow though its very hard to jump in.

Collie started it. You rrap what you sow. Im against all violence, but one of the derry lads should have broken shane ryans/david cliffords leg(s)

The last 8 minutes of the most recent podcast is must listen. It should be enough to get Joe into the Ɓras.

Me man got his just desserts for what he done to gilly. He knew it. Gilly knew it.

Did Joe play much hurling ever? His club are dual right?

Theyā€™ve two pitches because they hate one anotherā€¦or they hate themselves, since half them play both. He footered about a bit iirc

Heā€™s some WUM.

On about loyalty and Lavey without mentioning the elephant in the room.

I think big Geoffrey is a noted dual star from dungiven. The poster boy for fat skilful gaa players (along with Niall Sheridan)

Are you mixing up Brian McGilligan withe Geoffrey ā€œarse like a bag of cementā€ McGonigle?

What is done is done and cannot be undone. Thatā€™s blood there

No why?

Iā€™m not so sure he is.

He has a way of talking without being challenged. Most people just couldnā€™t be arsed challenging him. When cantwell did on Rte he lost the plot.

He comes across as deluded as well as a bit of an arsehole.


Bollocks. Joanne couldnā€™t handle anyone with flair, an opinion or a personality.


Joanne sent Joe home with his tae in a mug. Heā€™s never recovered.


Neither has the sunday game


He was talking rubbish about Clifford during that all Ireland final. He got called out and he lost the plot like most bullies.

He seems like heā€™s out of control. Iā€™m remember him and Kimmage playing The piano. Constantly trying to show how more intelligent they are than everyone else.