The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Brolly will be president of fuck all, bar his own ego fan club.


You’ll be the first against the wall mate

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Bryson needs the likes of Brolly to put him back in his box.

No he doesn’t.

We neednless joe brollys and more michael ds

Joe is gonna change this country in ways you never dreamed imaginable

Or imagined dreamable

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Bryson always needs to be told to pipe down


He’d throw a strop is what would happen

Holohan the same. Bit of attention and he thinks he’s Noel Browne.

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browne wasnt sweertness and light but theres no way he wouldve engaged in the grubby shenanigans that holohan did. a true man of conviction

Joe leaving north south derry is a bit like superman leaving krypton. Up here he’s just an ordinary fella with an ordinary intellect. But when he heads down south its like he’s in possession of superhuman powers.

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Do you really think Joe Brolly sneering at him whilst interviewing him makes any difference?

I do think Bryson thinks he is intellectually superior to “uppidy taigues” yes.

Absolute shite.

If you think Joe Brolly telling him that the “real Brits hate you anyway” helps then you are delusional.

Joe has broken yet another of tims rules

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The real Brits don’t know who he is I’d guess.

Dion really needs to grow a pair of balls and stop being spoken down to by Joe, it’s embarrassing
Joe doesn’t want a co host, it doesn’t suit him

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