The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Currid’s interview was outrageous but I will eternally give her credit, even if she just had some small input (along with Whelan’s double training sessions) in mentally preparing the Dublin team of 2011, for kicking off the renaissance of Dublin senior football

Not to mention Ciaran Whelan’s retirement.


I must read it again. Did you really think this is what she was doing? My interpretation of what she said was that there was such poor support for mental health issues in ireland some players were latching onto their sports phycologist for support in the absence of anyone else. But I know fuck all about her apart from reference in POC book and this interview

The poke at brolly was ill advised alright as she must have known the outcome.

Either way whilst it is very entertaining these lads playing this barney out in public through media and twitter isn’t helping anyone.

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I must say, that was largely my reading of it too.

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That was my reading of it. She specifically mentions him by name as undermining the work of sports psychologists in the area of suicide prevention. I posted the interview on this thread because I thought it was spurious, out of order and a pretty tawdry and self serving use of mental health to get back at Brolly’s digs at her industry.

But our points aren’t mutually exclusive. She may well have helped GAA members in the absence of easily accessible support though that’s not to say Brolly himself or other GAA members haven’t done so too when managing teams.

I don’t think a sport psychologist or a barrister are professionally qualified to provide psychiatric clinical intervention services. Overall, her comments struck me as a bit of mud slinging at / score settling with Brolly as well as being unsupportable and an attempt to use suicide / mental health to insulate her profession from criticism.


You may be right about the final point I don’t know enough about her to say if she is as utterly cynical and calculated as all that. Albeit she is from Tyrone

But she admitted as much she wasn’t qualified to deal with people with suicidal tendencies…but what was she to do? Sorry lads I’m no good to ye just join the HSE queue?

It is funny though a barrister taking the high moral ground about the honourable and honest nature of another profession.

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Sligo wasn’t it?

I’d expect anyone involved in a GAA team to offer support to a colleague if asked. It’s her claim that people who criticise sport psychologists are undermining suicide prevention work which is absolutely daft in my opinion. Brolly has been having a go at the industry for being full of self-annointed life gurus and these claims provide him with more ammunition.

Of course you would
But I’d assume people be more likely to go to her than a team mate in reality considering likely nature of working relationship.

Anyways. I agree with your main point
Lot of chancers in the industry.

Indeed. Was Tyrone where she was brainwashed

Just because people are more likely to go her as someone who would ostensibly be able to help doesn’t give her permission to hold herself out as someone who can help, or to claim that criticism of sports psychology harms suicide prevention.


She was part of Cunningham’s management team the last two years He leaned on her a lot including allowing her to talk at half time in matches. She was a very divisive figure, not popular at all.with most of the players who.felt she had way too much power. These issues.were raised at the end of the year and she is gone. It is not unreasonable to suggest Cunningham sacrificed her to keep his own seat at the top of the gravy train.

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What was outragpus about it?

She gave her experiences. She exained she is not reall6 qualified for it but was showing how desperate some lads are and they just see the word psychologist. She picked on joe because he is going around undermining her work and her profession. If he puts it put there he is open to attack. He knows that.

Psychology is mostly common sense and research. Being a lawyer is just know a set of rules and trying to make sure they are applied correctly. We could, and are entitled to, defend ourselves. There is really no need for lawyers, no need for Personal Trainers or psychologists if everyone had the time to go away and be healthy themselves or defend themselves. Alot of the self motivated people dismiss psychology," i didn’t need it, so why do you" but mist people atruggle to understand other peoples weaknesses if they are their own strengths. Some then to feel good about themselves run down the things they do not understand, and sometimes they don’t understand because it comes easier to them.

There is nothing at all wrong with that article and its just a few s reaming marys using suicide as a dirty word again when in fact we should talk openly about it.

Thats it. Its just lads looking for a chance to jump down the throat of something that they can’t get their head around.

All i get from the Dublin Hurlers is the blame game.

Very striking pattern, they remind me alot of my own club.

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As I’ve said, conflating sport psychology with suicide prevention is outrageous. If anything, she’s behaving like a screaming mary as are you by digging in and supporting her silly claim that: “You can’t criticize the sports psychology industry or you’re harming suicide prevention efforts.” Using something unrelated to her industry (and as emotive as suicide) as a shield against criticism is patently absurd. By all means let her defend herself and her industry and challenge Brolly’s views but saying “yeah, but suicide…” as her first and only point in the interview is fairly crass in my view.


Kev the man who regularly runs down physios and GP’s coming to the defence of psychologists. :grinning:

That makes no sense.

Phyio in Ireland is a joke, there are more bad than good. Thats rare. Its changing, but ridiculously slowly as it needs such a re-think.

There are plenty shit GP’s too but the good far outweigh the bad.

Our education system and old British class system has made some of our “Professions” weaker than they should be.

I know, that’s why I pointed it out.

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