The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

While we’re on the subject. A reasonably well known IC S&C guy comtacted me to know if i would like to take on an internship role with a county Team. He also asked another guy i know. Essentially he wanted us to run the show for him while he was largely remote of around 150 miles and he turn up every now and then.

Tempted to inform the county involved. Scandlous carry on. All coaches need to be emptionally involved, not there just picking up a cheque.

Are you’re ethically obliged in some way?
Is there a code of ethics, even informally, in your line(s) of work?

Definitely a code of ethics.Not sure its nuanced enough for this :joy:

The other guy is in another country so maybe i strike a seal for myself. Its getting a bit late now though and IC GAA is not all its cracked up to be. Club game is a better gig with right club.

I mean you have to ask, would you do it yourself?

Its one thing to ask students, but 2 gus fully qualified with our type of experience? Thats cheeky. Maybe he promised something he couldn’t deliver.

How are clubs affording this?

Table quizzes

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Raffles and doners i would say primarily.

Some are having a coach AND an S&C Coach.

Players would pay for it in a lot of clubs, in the smaller ones anyways.

And its not so much the money, its the less hassle, less travel etc

Ya they would, by fundraisimg in similar ways.

Don’t think they should though. The good clubs have small groups of guys looking after this kind of stuff. Or one club event is aimed at collecting most of it. Golf classic ir what have ya long as its nots from the kids subs

I know parents in syls are sick of the grab all mentality there


Most clubs are completely seperate though nowadays.
Our underage club is run like a machine, its fantastic. If the adult came looking i’d say they’d be told where to go.

The current Cork hurling champions are a prime example of a reserve in mentality when it comes to finances.

Don’t get ya?

What do you expect? Malahide folk want it all for free plus the trimmings. The blueshirt /FF lobby goes deep out there. It’s rehab vs the CRC. Stealing from volunteer organizations is par for the course for you chaps.


Were’nt they crippled with debt a few years back and every one taking from the club? From what I hear it’s all about putting back in now…

Thats an irish thing fella.

Yer man who was on george Hook today nailed it. We’re moaning cunts who want everything for free.

Ah ya. But all good clubs are like that.

They have a nice balance in that regard in Oz. One free beer after every game, but other than that everything is paid for.

It does cut out a certain part of the population who you might save from a shit life if you bring them into a club. Playing Aussie Rules cost me 4-600 at each different club all told.

Why did the Labour party hand half of the velvet strand to Sir Anto?

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Dead right. In fairness, the gaa for kids is an outrageously good operation for kids in portmarnock. Local development officer is a legend who takes the kids pe classes in school. Kids get 90 mins a week from The age of 4 for 60€ a year. Fantastic effort from the volunteers involved. I believe it’s 4th year kids who train the tiny kids. (under the eye of the older coaches). Great facilities and great buzz.

