The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That is the point I’ve been trying to make. Brolly was equally objectionable, just cleverer in choice of language.

I think it was, yeah. Conlon’s article was just bizarre.

Sidney lecturing on quality satire :rollseyes:

So was brollys, just had lipstick applied better.

Which Brolly piece are you talking about?

The one about Enda McNulty or the column Conlon responded to?

It was a bizarre piece as right and completely ridiculous. Obviously I don’t know the dynamic between the two but why would Conlon have it in for Brolly like that. When I read it I certainly didn’t believe any of it, it wasn’t funny in the slightest and I just thought it was similar to what Brolly would produce himself. Contrarian and controversial and clearly seeking a reaction.

Joe had right of reply this week and considering the apology the Indo made I’m sure he could have ripped Conlons piece apart and stuck the boot in that way. Besides going for the nuclear option, which I thought earlier and still think makes him look petty considering the absolute wellying he doles out week in week out in his column. To a lot softer targets generally.

Conlon is a clown anyways but think someone said above he will get the road, he won’t. Because that’s what the editor is for. He okayd the piece. And Kimmage wrote an article a few weeks back about himself Brolly and the editor all tipping off on a cycling break to France together so it’s not like he didn’t know Brolly. Just misjudged the reaction!!!

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To be honest I would not be surprised if conlon and brolly ever men . I don’t know. Brolly can be a nasty fcuker and he combines deceny and cuntishess in equal measure . That said the conlon article was bizarre .

I like Brolly a lot I think he is a decent man and has done untold work for transplant charities here that deserves all the plaudits he can get. But he uses that column of his to humiliate people at times. I said it here few weeks back that Brolly uses the indo like we use TFK.

I’d agree it is quite possible Conlon and Brolly havent met


Freedom to say what you think is a difficult thing to uphold nowadays. Balance has virtually replaced the impulse to go with your gut. We are lightning quick to moral outrage. The hammering of every slip-up is a national past-time. Most of the press is already just social media. The remainder is coming under serious pressure to succumb. Whether you’re a politician or a teacher or a broadcaster, it is better not to say what you really feel. Much safer to use a cliché.

If things continue the way they are going, the media will soon be as real as the Rose of Tralee. It is time we started believing in better.

Brolly wears his intellect on his sleeve. Tiring after a while. Kind of lad who would be seething if somebody made a gag at his expense. Not shy about bullying people or calling people names and runs to the law when it is done to him. Should be the end of him now. Drum is well and truly banged now.

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Calling a manager a dictator is not remotely equivalent to linking somebody to sectarianism.

It’s nothing to do with the dictator comment. It’s his bemoaning lack of willingness to voice an opinion in the media and the value of free speech.

I will repeat, again, the column was utter tripe. I just think Brolly acting the snowflake

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There’s a difference between free speech and linking somebody to sectarianism, though.

Conlon’s column is undoubtedly way more out there than even the crassest comment Brolly has come out with, and there have been a few.

Brolly is no snowflake,he’s a fuckin hailstone and a quality lawyer. Fuck with him at your peril.As the sindo and Tommy Conlon found out.


I like Joe Brolly and he is a very good BL but he should have just written a rebuttal. He is more than capable of it.

:joy: :clap:

Who the fuck says ‘anyways’ ?

Did you hear this on the dole queue?

It used to be preceded by ‘an all in’ , I don’t know what it really means but it was ‘an all in anyways’.

Even the inner city dubs who use to say it have stopped knowing it’s idiotic.


“Anyways” has been said in Galway for 30 years.


Jaysis you took the sneakers jibe very bad kid.

Do you look down your nose at those unfortunate enough to be without work you do?