The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It’s a solid roaster expression.


Exactly. Anyways who gives a fuck

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No. I don’t mind reading your posts it’s just ‘anyways’ does my head in. It’s like receiving a work email with Thx. All the best for the new year. Pm me your cv if you want.

its beginning to irk me that a doler like you is scrounging around on here 24/7

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No problem mate I’ll try to improve myself.

I have a job but the thought is appreciated nonetheless

Happy Christmas pal and happy Christmas to the missus. I hope she enjoys her once a year stroll outside to do the bottle recycling

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woeful bants

no wonder you are unemployable


I wasn’t joking

Belittling Kevin Lynch’s sacrifice the way he did by mentioning suicide by refusing grub is far more offensive than anything Brolly wrote.

Oh and the IRA weren’t responsible for KingsMills they were on ceasefire at the time. Sindo and their ilk will always gloss over this fact.

Tommy Conlon’s had that On The Couch column in the Sindo for around 15 or 20 years, I reckon. It’s always been there any time I’ve flicked through the paper on Sunday visits to my folks’ house. The only other piece of note he wrote in all that time was a slaughtering of RTE’s Brian Carthy which prompted the likes of DJ Carey and Mickey Harte to publicly support Brian. I’d say Tommy had to be picked up off the couch himself last week when Joe got busy behind the scenes.

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Can’t believe it was 15 years ago. Didn’t realise they apologised for it some 18 months later and can’t find the original scathing column which was quite humorous. Presume they had to take it down as part of the apology.

Is this the same Tommy Conlon?

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Who wrote that? Its fantastic.

I like Joe, but this is nonsense. I’m all for ditching flags and anthems. Take up too much bullshit time.

I had to change my warm up for the All-Ireland a few years ago, it was an awful pain in the hole.

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Our patriot dead gave their lives so that your strength and conditioning routines could go uninterrupted in any warm-up.


That’s the article Conlon wrote that Joe has lost the plot over

Not trying to start WWIII here before Xmas but would you give up the anthem for Irelands Call if it was a dealbreaker for a united Ireland?

Often wondered when people are banging on about Irelands call (which is a dirge in fairness)

In my experience the national anthem singing at GAA games leaves a lot to be desired. Lads mumbling along head-hearted to it almost embarrassed to be singing it and relieved when they get to skip the last few lines with yahooing. You get a far more enthusiastic and enjoyable anthem experience at rugby and soccer games. Fans there sing it with gusto.

I think you may be projecting a little there.

Nah - I don’t think I am. Maybe it’s cos at soccer/rugby games the crowd are there to support Ireland and the anthem is a way to express that while at GAA games there isn’t the same motivation. It’s practically hummed in a low key way at Croker most days

“Shoving Conny around da field”.

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