The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Who’s name is with my solicitor.

Fantastic? He starts off by calling our flag a rag, his continuous reference to Muslim names is racial and the stereotyping is almost as bad as British attitudes to the Irish in Britain back in the 70s/80s… As for his suicide comment, that really shows him up for the pig that he is. Love or hate Brolly, that’s one of the most ignorant pieces I’ve ever read and I can’t see how you’d call it fantastic. He’s using the troubles up north to score points against Brolly in the same way FF and FG think it’s fair game to score points off SF…This is a very dangerous mindset that’s being adapted in the south, where we now feel it’s fair game to ridicule and judge with scorn what went on up north when we have lived outside the reality and danger of it. We all signed up to an agreement to move on for the good of the whole island, flags and parades might be next on the agenda but beating people over the head with the past wont lend to that, if anything it will make people dig in further. I don’t know what Brolly wrote to warrant such a response but it has certainly tapped into the beast that is slowly raising its head down south, again.


Enjoy getting billed by your solicitor for something which has no legal standing.

The beast being peaceful people who think they should just get the fuck on with their lives?

Thats me.

  1. He will only bill me if he has to send letters.
  2. Of course it has legal standing. Absolutely everything on here could be pulled into court, same with any website. And its happening. I got Harrys name from a poster, but if needed they could have demanded all details on any one of us if someone wanted to proscecute.

The law is wising up big time. The majority of new Garda recruits will work in cyber crime.


That was Brolly’s right to exercise. The Indo lawyer who signed off on the article would seem to have advised the Indo to settle with Brolly. Or maybe they used a different lawyer. Either way the paper settled and Joe Brolly received a public apology from the newspaper who pay him to write a column.

Everyone wants to live in peace, mate… But some want to sit in ivory towers above others it seems… And you’ve completely missed the point and not addressed what’s so fantastic about the piece?

FFS, the guards use their gmail accounts because there’s no IT infrastructure for them, and you think they’ll be all trained to fight cybercrime ?


An insinuation of an internet username not paying their taxes is not going to hold up.

Particularly when internet username posts about completing nixers and starts calling other internet usernames nonces and such - it could get quite messy for the paintiff internet username.

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A client of mine works with a major organisation here in Cork in Cyber protection and general Web Security. They got part of the contract to start training them.

So i believe this is a new thing being rolled out.

I’m agreeing with you though, up to this point they are useless cunts. I’m just pointing out that they have realised where they need resourses. Apparently Ireland is behind the ball on this one in a big way.

I know i’m quite ignorant to alot of it. He explained a presentation they did to a major university recently. They actually hacked a number of the guys at the presentation that day just to show them how vulnerable they are.

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not when it is shown that this place created a source of income.

You have never proven how this place creates a source of income on here and as such this makes this point null and void.

You’d also owe the forum 20% of any money made through here as in line with Section 21.3 (iii) of the terms and conditions you agreed to when joining the new site.


why would i have to prove it to you?

You wouldn’t have to prove it to me, just to my peers.

Peers on here or on the GAA boards your on or on the huddleboard??

In English, please.

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The Italians

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