The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That’s Engligh I specified, not emojis.

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In English please

He’s about as Italian as a bowl of coddle

Yes. There’s also a diabetes allowance because of my proximity to the sugary goodness all day.


It’s a pity you didn’t go to him when dealing with your property issue and you wouldn’t have had to come on here asking Art Foley if a text message would stand up in court in the absence of a signed lease…



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[quote="Special_Olympiakos, post:749, topic:19611, full:true

Oh and the IRA weren’t responsible for KingsMills they were on ceasefire at the time. Sindo and their ilk will always gloss over this fact.


Is that incorrect?

For such a short sentence this is extremely amusing.

The assuredness of it all. The ridiculousness of the statistic. The lack of any support for the statistics, other than the reliance on brazen delivery. The failure to understand that people being mean online is not what is meant by cyber crime! And the general notion that a cyber crime crack unit would be trawling through TFK looking for crimes being committed.


@Sidney would be a great defence against this type of investigation. They’d be years going through one of his internet battles.

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Who said that? You just inferred that all yourself.

The cops themselces announced this you twaat

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Imagine two years from now . Some cadet police recruit with a Masters in Criminology having to wade through the US election debate thread or worse the Limerick GAA thread . Perish the thought the they then have to read Nembo’s e soliloquies on Italian football .

I did. I was getting further opinion. I like to get a few persoectives to make better decisions and avoid any confirmation bias. But a few upper middle class private school pretend IRA lads like yourself and rocko wouldn’t get that.

Got plenty of it here privately as it happens.




that was an absolute belter

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great line


He could get some good leads in the “People Kev knows” thread though.

I previously considered hiring @caoimhaoin but then I read on here that he was potentially not tax compliant and working on the black market so decided not to get involved with him. He later clarified that the allegations were completely untrue but at that stage the opportunity had passed.

