The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Whatā€™s his real beef with McNulty I wonder?

Iā€™d say that book is carnage but his article is just more of a personal crusade again this week

And if McNulty has a pop back at him Joe will go running to his lawyers again.


What do you mean again?.

This bit reminded me of Kev.

As with all of these Pendulum types, it is full of boasting. ā€œIā€™ve worked with many household-name coaches at the highest levels of professional sport.ā€ Or, ā€œSomehow, we still managed to put together a world-class event.ā€

Then there is the name dropping. Brian Oā€™Driscoll (who scored a hat-trick of tries against France when he was barely out of school) or PĆ”draic Moyles (who was the lead dancer in Riverdance for 10 years before meeting Enda, but went on to ā€œdance better than heā€™d ever danced beforeā€), executives from Microsoft, Digicel, Big Pharma.


Brolly is not above hyperbole himself

The Derry man appeared today on RTƉ radio for another brilliant segment alongside recently-retired Limerick star John Galvin. In it, Brolly stated that players are continuing to come to him to ratify what he is saying about the excessive professional demands in the game and, whilst he stopped short of comparing himself to Russell Crowe in The Insider, he did say that he felt like a whistleblower in the tobacco industry.

Brolly is a bully. I have little time for McNulty but thatā€™s 3 or 4 times Brolly has slaughtered him in the last few months. Yet when Tommy Conlon gave Joe a bit of his own medicine a.few weeks ago Joe took legal action. He was a windy blowhard when he was playing football and he is.still a windy blowhard.



Brolly was called a jihadi, thats miles away from calling some guy a bluffer


Lads here donā€™t like Joe defending his good name against guttersnipe journalists, very strange.

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Brolly is sneering and sniping at an array of people every week. Then someone sneers at him and he throws a hissy fit. No one believes Brolly is a Jihadi. But his continued belittling of McNulty is unseemly.

McNulty is a dishonest individual.

Tommy Conlon believes his is a jihadi an wrote so in the paper.

He wasnā€™t called a jihadi.

He was.

Some of his verbosity was compared to that of a jihadi as I took it and not overly seriously. I didnā€™t personally see a huge amount wrong with the article, bar Kevin lynch had no place in it. The fact is, nembo, had it been written about you by someone, youā€™d have stayed true to form and blasted back, not gone scurrying under the coat tails of one of your legal pals. Thereā€™s no question that heā€™s right about enda mcnulty, but what was said about brolly was a grevious insult only because Joe decided to throw a snowflake. What Joe says about mcnulty over and over again undermines his livelihood. Whether or not that livelihood is righteous, well it obviously fills a gap for some people. I would say they are gullible and weak, but plenty bought indulgences in the past.
I like brolly a lot. I like what he has to say, but half his articles are made up or rehashed stories, and he has a vindictive and one way streak.


Well said Flatty. Pretty much exactly how I feel about the man. Clearly does a heap of good in the world just tends to act the bully at times in the media. Albeit I am certain he just thinks itā€™s all a big laugh

Good stuff flatty. Thatā€™s what i was trying to say

I think heā€™s beginning to crawl up himself tbh, which is a shame. To mangle a phrase, I think he crossed the rubicon once to often, and is becoming the image.

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Probably having a mid-life crisis.

Have to agree with this.

And this has led to peer scorn/questioning/ridicule. Brollys article was uploaded to a private FB group iā€™m in that would have some of the leading Sports Psychs on these islands and further on it. There was some balance, some Brolly bashing but a pile of McNulty bashing.

Not sure how i feel, as its harsh on McNulty in ways, but when you put yourself out there and you block accounts etc you are opening up for criticism.

I am absolutely certain McNulty lost business yesterday on that page alone.

Surely well past mid-life. And has he not had that with the new missus?