The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread


Cos he is an oddball I suppose. It was surprising he did
the interview as he has done very little of that type.of thing.before. It was hilarious stuff.

There is no issue with sustainability of the provinces. None. Regardless of the warning shots that Browne sent to Munster.

Despite his words they went out and invested the guts of 700 k a year in two SA coaches and another half a million (at least) on additional overseas signings. The IRFU also handed Munster a massively lucrative game with the NZ Maori to provide a cash injection.

I think the 9m quid that’s owed for Thomond is the only (substantial) debt the IRFU has. And that’s owed between IRFU and a fully owned subsidiary. AVIVA is fully paid off. IRFU has loads of cash on hand 15 or 20 million.

No fear of the IRFU mate

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I’m listening now… Unreal. He fairly cuts through the shite.

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Keep posting those links pal…world of difference between not having as much cash as the french and our own position being unsustainable.

FWIW…I’d say cast iron certainty be few big French clubs gone wallop next few years. Now that is unsustainable. Grenoble look fucked. Biarritz are fucked

Pundit arena
the Indo


Don’t shoot the messenger.

The Irish Times which is the home of Irish rugby so if you like

Not shooting anyone. But you are just incorrect. And posting a few links from click bait sites that don’t even support your point is weak

Irish Times

#Philip Browne does not expect the Munster Branch to be able to meet repayments on the €9 million they owe the IRFU.

The union’s annual general meeting reported an increase of almost €6 million in player and management costs arising “in large part” due to Munster’s malfunctioning professional wing, both administratively and on the field, in recent years.

“One of our provinces is experiencing financial difficulty and one of the main reasons for this is poor match results,” said IRFU honorary treasurer Tom Grace. “It is no secret that the increased revenues available to French and English clubs are having a serious inflationary impact on player remuneration.”#

Addressed this above. Money is owed to the IRFU. It’s no big deal if they have to wait for their money. They took part ownership of the stadium in exchange. It’s all the same entity.

So a major organisation with 5 main income sources has one of them temporarily struggling. Does that mean that other 4 are unsustainable? Get a grip pal

If all the same entity then makes a mockery of the “rivalry”. Maybe when they created the 4 provinces as teams to enter a European club league they should have just entered as Ireland so they could continue to be competitive.

Anyway, it is a tangential point to my original point which is Brolly is dialling it in at this stage in espousing a sport which threw its club game under a bus to compete at an elite level.

Munster, like @gilgamboa, is reliant on state handouts.


Temporarily struggling. You don’t know that. As results suffer attendances will. And it is not just one

Completely different argument. They entered four teams to maximise the number of professional players available to the international side. NZ has a similar if not identical structure. English moving towards a quasi version of it.

Agree on the point that Brolly is a clown alright

I’d shoot the messenger in thise cases alright

There is no point continuing to post these links but feel free to do so if you wish. My view is based on knowledge of all available public information plus plenty that isn’t publically available. I thought maybe you had something new that I wasn’t aware of.