The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Has Keith any previous?

I’d tend to agree with them, tis only Dubs and Nordies that are “that type of player”.

because maybe he mightn’t have been cited for that offence that carries that suspension? I don’t know - they’d have found a fucking way around it because thats what happens GMan - its the GAA way
There also wouldn’t be this freak show around it because everyone would’ve been happy that DC got his comeuppance and it would have fucking blown over by now

Anyway - you know more about the rules than I - so whats your opinion on Murphy not being cited? That’s a bit weird, no?

Didn’t Colin Lynch and Tony Brown get dealt with on the field

The referee puts in his report why he is sent off. If he sends him off for that offence, there is little way around it. I dont know where you get the impression it would have been dealt with by getting a red card, and the only reason now the 12 weeks is up is because he didnt get a red card. Not getting a red card is the reason he may now get off. Getting the red card would have been an open and shut case.

I didnt see or hear Murphy or what he did, so dont have any real opinion on it to be honest.

I do also find the defence of Connolly from some to be odd. Rather than seeing what he did, people are just pointing out other things that other counties do. There were lads from Dublin on twitter all weekend just waiting for there to be any contact of a ref so they could gleefully put up the pictures of it so they could play the poor mouth for poor aul Dermo.

I was way ahead of the curve in saying this.

I feel they are pointing Connolly was banned on the basis of mass media hysteria under an infraction committed by numerous players over the weekend.

The problem is Connolly has fallen foul over who he is, rather than what he did and that is unjust in itself.

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You’re tying yourself in knots here @gmail. A 12 match ban in the GAA could last year’s for some counties

The Flat Earthers on here don’t like the truth.

Now that is some first class holocaust denying right there.

So it’s acceptable for him to push an official in an aggressive way and not be punished?

ah yes you pedantic cunt. Once you make a mistake like that, it renders all previous points null and void. back to the drawing board for gmail it is.

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Comerford appealed his ban and lost I think

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The jackeens are seething

It’s not a defence I’m trying to do. It’s consistency of application of the rules. That’s the problem I have

For the record - he was stupid. I’ve said that. He should have taken his black card early and hit the showers. I don’t believe this will help Dublin at all this year. The opposite in fact

However much of a dope he is, he’s our fuckin dope.


Under the rule it’s as acceptable as what Mackey, Moran and Armstrong did at the weekend.

Well see whether they’ll get a 12 week ban.

I’m asking specifically about Connolly mate, as that was the point you made. A simple yes or no to my question will suffice rather than you welching on another direct question.


I’m not interested in singling a guy out. I believe all players should be treated equally under the rules.


@mac is acting the cunt today. He tried it on with me earlier but I sent him home with his tea in a mug.


You certainly did. I thought that would soften his cough but he is mad for a bunfight today

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