The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You’re singling someone out here mate.

I’m not. I’ve paralleled Connolly with Mackey, Moran and Armstrong.

You were quick enough to single out Cillian O’Connor.

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Not in the post I replied to you didn’t. You’re quick enough to chase others looking for an answer to a direct question. Interesting you can’t do the same yourself.

If he didn’t exist you’d have to make him up, you’ll get no satisfaction here, don’t bother with it, you have to laugh when he brings COC up though.

You single Cillian o Connor out non stop. There is an audit trail


Cillian O’Connor singles himself out with his antics. Nembo is just shining a light on what the rest of us can see.


Went for a smoothie with one of the Dublin back room team after a workout this evening, he was telling me Brolly contacted the Dublin camp offering to represent Connolly and that’s why they decided to appeal.


Nothing like a grudge to motivate someone. He must hate Spillane. He can fuck off with his pontificating about dirty play if he continues to defend the likes of Connolly though.

A light that is strangely missing when it comes to any of your own

It was defending Connolly from a guy who singled him out.

I bring balance to the debate.

Maybe because you have a chip on both shoulders


Philly Jordan is a man with a great amount of moral courage. A credit to himself.


Another voice in the media with a vested interest.

The GAA needs someone to come in, and sweep the boards clean. The man needs to be someone who is respected, and has a legal understanding. A good man. A gentleman. I wonder where we could find such a man.


You’re incorrect.