The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You know if he came out and said 50% to charity i’d probably not have question it too much.

Its the sneakiness i despise. We are not stupid people

Did he say how much is going to charity?
Seems like huge money been generated.
Boom is getting boomier, based on those fees

That’s the thing.

He has merely said “some” of it is going to charity. That could be anything from 1% of the proceeds to 90%. Vague and leaves it wide open to cynicism.

And at 500 quid per person it’s not actually your ordinary working class GAA supporter he’s appealing to.

Is it tax free. Not sure why it would be

Does he qualify for sporting income exemption


Found a copy of the Sindo in my living room this morning and they’d an article on page 2 saying the Revenue Commissioners won’t tax the event as "money earned is not taxable where the player was not obliged - either “contractually or by custom” - to hold a testimonial.


I found that hard to believe. It’s income. It’s a gift if nothing else and once the threshold is hit it’s taxable.

There is a €3,000 threshold on a gift from an individual in a tax year.

Is that tax deductible then by the giver? Hardly? Make it less attractive as a corporate ticket.

Yearra, I’m sure twill be all above board.


I’d imagine the % going to charity would be tax deductible but Gooch’s wedge wouldn’t be.

Would it be tax free?

Jesus thats an unreal loophole and concession. The source is questionable enough!

Don’t worry that cunt will have all his angles covered regarding the tax man.Proably why he added the charity.

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What kind of a cunt would go to a gig like that anyway?

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A tax avoidance-condoning, tourist-fleecing, rapist-applauding, eagle-poisoning, drink driving law-denying, Rose of Tralee-lechering yerra cunt.

I wonder who persuaded Cooper to run with this. As sure as there is shit on a goose it wasnt his idea. I doubt he has either the smarts or the ego to conceieve the idea himself.

Some agent now using him as a guinea pig

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The Lucozade anecdote would suggest otherwise.

One thing Kerry people are not stupid about is fleecing other people for personal monetary gain.


What’s the lucozade anecdote

The whole thing is just very odd. Even the pricing of it. 100 quid a pop would be understandable but charging five times that…? Clearly being aimed at big business.

If he had said from the outset that x of whatever is raised will go to the charities it would have nipped some of this in the bud. That he hasn’t just makes people, well me anyway, think that it’s just a personal cash grab with a few crumbs thrown to the charities to cover the bases. “Oh but the charities will benefit too…”

Just doesn’t sit easily with me anyway.