The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Yeah 500 a head and its not even on in ġerry is it? Seems mad. If he will sell it our there will be a stampede. Partly why I think someone has talked him into it to see how it plays out. He is a gormless enough chap and probably not as easy a target to attack as if it were Galvin or one of the O Se s

I can confirm this is pretty close to the truth

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I’d say it’ll be a proper cunt fest.

Let’s do an Up for the Match type prediction who’ll be there on the night.

I’ll go with…

  • Bertie
  • Ex TD John O’Donoghue
  • Denis O’Brien
  • Sean Quinn
  • Matt Cooper
  • Drico & Hubes
  • Richie Sadlier

Back in the last decade, I’d say around 2004 or 2005, the GPA did a deal to promote the Club Energise sports drink. Lucozade tried to lure top players away from this collective deal by offering more lucrative individual deals which nearly all rejected, except Cooper and, I think, Eoin Kelly and Brendan Cummins of Tipperary.

It was propa big money though. Hard to blame him.

That was exactly my thinking on it. I’d say some smarmy cunt of a marketing ninja/guru/wankbag has signed him up on flat fee basis.

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Gooch is a pioneer.

If lads want to support then let them. 5k a table is hefty and suggests US involvement. The most you can typically sell a table for at a Dublin corporate event is about half that.

Loads of players and ex players make money from the game. Gooch is walking through the front door


I highly doubt it was “propa big money” but it was obviously a bit more than he would have got under the GPA deal.

What would the going rate for endorsing a sports drink and appearing in an ad for it alongside a few other sportspeople be?

15/20k in those days.

Ken McGrath had that fund raiser in Walsh Park and there isn’t a person in the country who’d begrudge him benefitting from that considering his health issues.

This lucrative corporate dinner couldn’t be much different on the face of it. A recently retired player, high profile, getting plenty of media work. Don’t know his personal financial circumstances but surely he’s not that hard up to need an event like this.

If it’s a success the genie will be out of the bottle and there’ll be many such variations.

There’s plenty of former intercounty players, All Stars and multiple medals to their name, who don’t have a pot to piss in after their playing days and a contribution to them in some form wouldn’t have gone amiss, even if I’m not sure it’s be practical to administer.

The guest list will be sold heavily by the Kerry Group. Their contacts along with Kerry money in the capital will cover it.

The database KG have would be significant

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The ex-players who make money from the game (Cooper included) are at least offering a service, ie. Brolly gets money for contributing columns which people want to read and punditry which people clearly want to watch.

Cooper is asking for people to give him money on the premise of “I’m the Gooch, I used to be good at Gaelic football so give me your money”.


Nobody forcing anybody to go to Gooch dinner. They can go if they want to pay the price. If people feel he should not do it then it may flop.

Supply and demand.

Kerry football is box office if they sell this out. 5k a table is way above market for any corporate dinners in Dublin.


It’s a personal cash grab using the fake veil of charity.

Did Brolly examine the tax angle? If he hasn’t yet done so, I really hope he does.

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Gooch has already dealt with Brolly.

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The GPA could never, of course, be confused with a bunch of self serving cunts.

If Gooch wants to do this, and people want to go, then off with him. It is none of joey brollys business. Brolly is happy to make money from denigrating others. He’s a bit of a cunt himself truth be known .


Irrespective of Brolly, would you not say there is something shameless about what Gooch is doing here?

It’s a bit vulgar. Gooch cones across as a right streak of piss at the best of times.


Better option than making a male porn movie.