The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

you mean gay porno?

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Iā€™m not sure to be honest. If people are being press ganged into it, then itā€™s uncomfortable, but really, the idea of a testimonial fits more naturally in the gaa than it does for an epl player earning 5 million a year.
Testimonials Iā€™d imagine were started to give a lad whoā€™d given blood sweat and tears for ten shillings a week enough for a deposit on a two up two down in Doncaster before he disappeared back down the pit. They are hence a slightly amateur concept.
Iā€™d feel uncomfortable going to my own, but I canā€™t objectively see a problem, bar discontent at who gets one and who doesnā€™t. That, I suppose is the rub really, if they become more commonplace, they could be extremely divisive.

Itā€™s an open event aimed at targetting the corporate market to make personal monetary gain for Cooper based on who he is.

Cooper is perfectly entitled to organise it, and nobody can stop him doing so.

However itā€™s a public event and therefore anybodyā€™s business and if Brolly wants to make it his business heā€™s perfectly entitled to do so and perfectly entitled to highlight it and criticise it for what it is, as is anybody else.


No it doesnā€™t. Soccer is a world pursuit and the most popular sport on the planet. GAA players play a niche sport that is only popular in a tiny country.

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True enough.

Although try criticising Brollly and see how he respondsā€¦

Classic one armed waiter

Two countries. ROI. And NI.


I canā€™t see your point here.

1 partitionist.

Soccer players get paid very handsomely because they are top of the field in immense competition. They get paid the market demands via a salary in a job due to their talent.

Gooch is putting the begging bowl out because of his profile.

Which bears no relation to the point I was making.

You seem to be denying Gooch is a money grabber.

I may have misread this though. Is this kerry giving good Gooch a testimonial, or has he just decided to have one off his own bat??

I presume he is doing this for the money, but so what?

Another week another strong opinion from Joe. Itā€™s amazing the way he manages to find something to be outraged about every week just in time for the Independents deadline. A cynic would suggest heā€™s actively seeking out chances to be outraged so he can write about it.
Of course Joe never used his profile as an amateur player to make any money for himself. The punditry, column etc. are all done gratis for his love of the association.


The GAA is an amateur organisation and what Gooch is doing is unprecedented. Heā€™s a money grabber and is fair game for being called out as such.

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Oh looks, itā€™s the forumā€™s utmost Yerra apologist.

The gaa has widespread payment of coaches, referees, and, not least, the GPA. The president gets paid AFAIK. It is a bespoke type of amateur.

Which involves something in return.

I wonder has Joe Brolly ever charged for a speaking engagement?

he decided