The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Read what the team mate of Peadar Heffron wrote on the link I provided on post #1672.

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@Bandage is all over the shop here.

Yeah if theres one thing Iv learned from TFK its that you can rely on anonymous messgae board posters to tell the truth



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Well, the chap was a team-mate of his.

Joe states a list of things that “are not in dispute”.

The supposed events in his list are very much in dispute.

Last week Joe railed against the culture of shouting people down.

Yet, since last weekend, shouting people down has been Joe’s chosen modus operandi.

He says he was a team mate of his.

It was a very measuted post and very interesting.

But questioning Brollys right to comment on the matter and his bone fides on one hand and just accepting the anonymous forum poster is being absolutely honest is odd

Do you accept that by so publicly vilifying a club which is surrounded by Unionist heartlands, and in an area in which it has been far from unknown for GAA members to be singled out as targets by Loyalists, and GAA property to be singled out for serious vandalism, including arson, that Joe’s articles have been extremely irresponsible?


Where did I intimate anywhere that was my view?

Iv made no comment on the situation at all. I made a comment about a trend here to laud brolly when it suits and treat him like a crank when it doesnt. And your willingness to believe an anonymous message board poster is being absolutely honest in his opinion.

You’ve completely invented this argument on the susbtance of the case between us. You dont know my view on it for starters

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The GGA zealots are tying themselves up in knots here.

@gilgamboa is one of the biggest GGA men on the forum mate

I’ll slash your throat

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Interesting, but mostly adds “it’s complicated” rather than discrediting Brolly or Hefron.

I’ve a huge issue with the way the GAA and a significant amount of GAA members have a “softly softly” sympathy for violent republicanism. It’s unfortunate that Creggan get singled out but I don’t think they’re a one-off in that regard. Some of the responses on here provide more confirmation to that view to be honest.

I think Brolly’s article is hugely courageous and significant - more GAA leaders need to be publically taking similar stances imho.


Joe Brolly for president

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Well, I’ve asked you the question in my previous post.

You said that Creggan poster’s responses on GAABoard were very measured. They were and they had more than a distinct air of authenticity about them. Joe’s vilification of Creggan has been extremely un-measured.

Roughly about half of what Joe writes in general is excellent, and about half of what he writes is shit.

He gets praise when he writes good stuff, and here he’s rightly getting criticised for acting as judge, jury and executioner in the exact fashion he’d been railing against only a few days previously.

He has a superb writing style, and the shit half of what he writes is always still superbly eloquent. That doesn’t mean it isn’t shit.

You’re questioning my “willingness to believe an anonymous message board poster”.

I question the willingness of people to believe everything the articles say, not least given that the material facts of what happened are very much in dispute, and that serious allegations have been made with absolutely no evidence to back them up.


Utter shrieking nonsense. I very much doubt the Loyalist bogeyman you’ve conjured up is sitting at home waiting for the latest Joe Brolly article to give him justification for this campaign of arson/vandalism/whatever else you’re making up


His time has come

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Joe Brolly seems to be getting a bit of the stick that Brendan Rogers got a few months ago from the same clan

Very eloquently put yourself, mate.

Leaving aside the tired wind up posts, Im genuinely surprised that some posters don’t acknowledge this viewpoint.

I think it’s really reckless and crass for Brolly to make unfounded allegations against an entire GGA club membership.

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Why arent you looking for evidence from the anonymous message board poster? You dont think Brolly is measured because you dont agree with him on the topic. Thats fine. But your starting point is Joe needs to provide proof for his view on the situation and you think hes not being truthful becausr some randomer whose name you dont know has a different version of events.


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Easy say that from the cheap seats of East Clare or wherever. You need your eyes opened as to what happens up North.

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