The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That’s a clamping

The GAA club member isn’t making any criminal allegations against anybody. The only evidence he needs to provide is to recount what happened as regards Peadar Heffron’s dealings with the club as he remembers it. And that’s exactly what he has done.

Peadar Heffron and Joe Brolly are the ones who have made serious criminal allegations. They are the ones who should be producing evidence if they have it - to the PSNI.

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Is it fuck. Any of those attacks even tenuously linked to an newspaper article critical of the particular club?


You just don’t get it


He is no fool

I think I’d prefer not getting whatever “it” is, if it means reading a newspaper article sends me out to burn down my local GGA club

Correct. Again.

Are you disputing these attacks happened?

Are you disputing that such public vilification of a GAA club based on zero actual evidence, will bring that GAA club to the notice of people who have a grudge against the GAA and northern Catholics in general and make them a possible target?

Joe wrote a piece for sensationalism. Now a lot of what he said in it’s global sense should be taken on board. But even reading through it, I couldn’t imagine the whole thing being 100% truthful interpretation of the events. Not because of gaa but just in it’s humanity and personal level. I don’t have the experience of living in that environment, so it shocked me to think close and lifelong friends could do that. I wouldn’t blame the victim for feeling let down and abandoned, but it seemed too out there.

The other view gives a different version. What it doesn’t account for is how the victim was feeling or how he personally was treated. But as said here, there is probably a middle ground.

With regards to dismissing someone because it’s an anonymous message board, would you take on board people’s experience and writings from here. And people that you know aren’t here on the wind up, obviously, not our Walter Mitty posters. Most of us here know others personally, much like that poster. Dismissing it as being anonymous is a bit disingenuous. He isn’t claiming anything outrageous, merely giving an alternate view to some very outrageous accusations.


You’re moving the goalposts again Sid

Laughable stuff. If hardcore loyalists/nutjobs are intent on burning down a GGA club, then they’ll go and do it, just like they did in all those instances you posted links to. It won’t be a snap decision prompted by the “public vilification” the club received in a newspaper across the border.


Honestly i think you are very naive in this instance.

People up there in situations like this would be terrified

Did you read the other version of events?

Sids arguments on this are laughable at best

The bhoys have their Celtic jerseys on now, there’ll be no talking sense to them


+1. The glib “rastooler” stuff isn’t unexpected but I’m very much taken aback at several GAA clubmen on here seemingly giving credence to completely unfounded and reckless allegations made to blacken a fellow GAA club’s and entire community’s name.

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I won’t apologise for showing empathy to our northern brothers. Better than the likes of you happy to see them burnt out of their houses

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Is @bandage going to be doing drive-bys on Joe Brolly’s ma’s gaff?

Their GGA clubs. You’d normally be in favour of burning them to the ground.

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You need a drivers license to do that