The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

1 I just did.
2 I do realise that. In today’s article Brolly doesn’t make the allegation that they were definitely involved. He says how can they state it definitely had nothing to do with their clubman when they continually allowed him to be abused, targeted, ostracized and finally explicitly threatened. All this corroborated by the gaaboard fella when talking about how he and others tried to combat what was happening.
3. Unfounded. As in with out foundation? No. I’d imagine there’s a fair amount of foundation for most normal people there. Unproven, yes.

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They could launch a nuclear strike for all the difference it makes. It is about as likely to happen. Nonsense, but keep persisting with it if it’s all you have to prop up this piss-poor argument.

So the manin a wheelchair is a liar?

Victim-blaming is heinous when George Hook does it though


I’ll be very surprised if “The Devil’s Own” isn’t played in the clubhouse tonight.

That’s a real last resort of a “point” you’ve resorted to.

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I do get a good laugh out of the hypocriosy here sometimes.

Only seems to be a handful of lads who have a few principals to stick to.

Even if cometely opposed to my own principals i’d take those lads every day of the week that most of the weaklings on this site

Some glorified Pilates teacher from Cork who knows the square root of fuck all about the North of Ireland?

Are you for real?

Oh, well, we’ve known the answer to that one for a long time.


Hardcore GGA heads up there and their apologists are disgusting.

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Sure what would this guy know, he only lives there and is a member of the club.

Thank heavens he has somebody from Clare to put him right.

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Why the mealy-mouthed diversionary arguments from @Sidney and @Bandage?

Why not confront the fact that a GAA club at best ostracised a fellow member and at worst perpetuated the atmosphere that enables acts like the attempted murder.

@sidney is deeply worried about the “risk” put on a GAA club by Brolly’s article yet is shying away from condemning the actions of a club whose actions potentially emboldened the terrorists.

If the club backed their member, if the GAA backed their members, then they could drive real cultural change. Maybe it’s easier to sit in the shadows singing rebel songs though.


What “actions”?

Oh “reports of threats”. To think lads were going on about unfounded evidence

Incredibly naive. The idea that a few lone wolves just decided to do these things- hilarious. It is absolutely pathetic by the various Rastoolers in here to defend these clubs.

None of them have condemned what happened to Heffron but are instead accusing Brolly of endangering GGA clubhouses in Northern Ireland. It’s truly warped.


Actions and inaction perhaps.

Allowing a club-member to be driven out. Allowing leaflets targeting that member be distributed. Not standing up to the elements within and outside the club looking to seperate him from the club. Even worse, when the worst happened not fully condemning it immediately. Looking for excuses.

Their fuck handling of an admittedly horrific situation for one. I’d say asking the lad who is being threatened to take a year out instead of taking on his abusers is pretty close to victim blaming.


There’s a few lads need to take off their balaclavas, step away from the keyboard and have a good look at themselves


Clearly you don’t understand the difference between:
i) the need for evidence when blaming people for attempted murder, and
ii) Saying, quite reasonably, that making unfounded allegations of attempted murder and specifically tarring an entire club and community with those unfounded allegations could put that club and its membership at risk in an area in which sectarian attacks are commonplace.

You’re right, the GAA club are the real victims here

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