The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You’re not dealing with the points made. You’re appealing to emotion and outrage in an effort to deflect from them.

They are everything that is wrong with gaa

“Reports of threats on a loyalist website” Only a report of it though? That is it?
That would be very easy screenshot surely in this day and age. Otherwise you are in the region of “dĂșirt bean liom gur dĂșirt bean eile”
Your standard of credible evidence is all over the shop.

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Your points are facetious, incidental and could almost be described as whataboutery.

The substantive point isn’t whether Brolly is hypocritical.

The substantive point isn’t some slight nuance to Brolly’s/Heffrons story via a message board.

The substantive point isn’t some hysterical imagined increased risk on a put-upon GAA club.

The substantive point is the GAA’s tolerance of sympathies towards militant republicanism and its reluctance to confront that as exemplified by one story.

You don’t want to engage on that point because you are a SF supporter and deep down you know which side of the argument you’d have been in a club like Cleggan.


Deal with the key point.

The headline of the October 29th article reads: “Spurned, bombed and maimed by his own kind”.

There’s a fairly obvious implication in that as to who was behind the bombing.

In the article, the following line appears: “I’d be fairly certain guys I played with passed on my details to others.”

That’s conjecture and a serious allegation which should not appear in a national newspaper.

The assertion that Peadar Heffron was “hounded out” is disputed from within the club, the club member on GAABoard says he was selling club lotto tickets as late as 2009.

The context of 2002, when the RUC had been disbanded for a matter of months and the newly-formed PSNI was regarded with deep suspicion by a significant part of Catholic/Nationalist/Republican population, is entirely brushed over, in favour of applying the standards and norms of 2017.

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Nail on head.

Sid is weak and he knows it

Sid is more concerned about clubhouses than humans.


Says the guy who applies the standards and norms of 2017 when discussing the American Civil War of 1861 - 1865.


Brolly explicitly said in his article last week that people from Heffron’s community set him up for assassination. Heffron said he thinks people he played with passed on details about him. Neither of them offered any evidence to support these claims. Certain people appear to be equating some GAA players being opposed to a team-mate joining the then newly formed PSNI as being supporters of the Real IRA. One doesn’t automatically follow the other and this is not evidence.

The Creggan Kickhams member on GAA boards provides a counterbalance to the Sunday Independent’s claims. He says some players provided cautious backing to Heffron, others were strongly against his decision. He explains the context of large sections of the nationalist / republican community being suspicous of the PSNI at its formation given their experience of the RUC, which was hardly an unreasonable position. The people who came to the club with leaflets were not affiliated to the club but the club itself had been getting threats too. He also says Heffron played soccer on the club’s 4G pitch with other retired players on a weekly basis after he stopped playing GAA, continued to sell club lotto tickets and attend dinner dances etc.

Do people not remember this period around 1996-2002 when the RUC was being disbanded and PSNI was being formed? The LVF were murdering GAA members like the aforementioned SeĂĄn Brown with the aid of RUC collusion. Brolly is being totally disingenuous thinking GAA clubs and club members in Ulster would or should have been rushing to welcome the PSNI without being very skeptical and wary of their bona fides.


But it was in the Indo

They are not whataboutery and nor do they contain a trace of facetiousness.

True, the substantive point is not whether Brolly is hypocritical. But he is hypocritical and it is a sad irony that the exact same point that he made such a big deal of (correctly) just a few days before the first article was published was completely thrown out by him in favour of the exact sort of “court of public opinion” appeals to emotion and outrage that he had been previously railing against.

Judge, jury and executioner.

That is a substantive point. The central plank of the first article is that his club ostracised him and hounded him out. That is disputed. That the central plank of the article is disputed is very much a substantive point in the debate.

The GAA is a 32 county organisation dedicated to advancing Irish nationalism through sport. A matter of a couple of months before Peadar Heffron decided to join the PSNI, Rule 21, which barred members of the British security forces, was still in place.

The GAA in the north is made up of Irish Nationalists and Republicans. Each GAA club is a microcosm of its community, and across every Nationalist/Republican community in the North in 2002, the newly formed PSNI was regarded with deep suspicion.

Using one story to tar a whole association is like something Donald Trump would do.

If you want to engage on the topic, at least get the name of the club right.

And me voting for SF in the last two elections has fuck all to do with anything. The central plank of the article is disputed, the allegations made in it are evidence-free.

I suspect the way you vote has a lot to do with your reaction to these articles, though.

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Saying nothing makes you an acomplice

I applied the standards and norms of the time. Having read your posts on the matter, it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that you believe slavery was acceptable in the 1860s.

Hindsight from 100s of miles away is a great thing

Hindsight comes with time, not distance

 But Kevs is also aided by the ignorance of distance and not knowing how the culture of the north at that time worked
 I’m not defending anyone here but making blanket statements like he is, is just stupid.

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Hilarious, actually behind contempt.

Bollix. I can definitely transport myself into a situation and believe in the person i am.

And its nit that i have not been weak, of course i have. This is collective weakness and ignorence.

Abd it is totally forgivable on one level, IF acknowledged now. And therein lies an issue

Whats my ignorence?

Its fucking bananas